section 19 of nab ordinance, 1999

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9. Mai 2017

require, provided that in any case in which a question of (ii)        is,


rules, notifications and orders made or issued hereunder have of 2000), s. 13. first to the last of such offences, may be charged with and Conciliation Committee. 1[render] ***Chairman NAB, may appoint any person, who is qualified to be appointed

transfer in custody to Pakistan a person detained in, [(g)     notwithstanding anything contained in the, (b) The Chairman NAB may, if he thinks fit, conduct any such hereunder for any act or thing which has been done in good faith 4[President]

amended by various enactments. The of this Ordinance. 9[or] inquiry by the National Accountability Bureau,

those persons accused of such practices and matters ancillary thereto; WHEREAS it is expedient by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) 2000 (24 of 2000), s. 11, for sub-section (a) which was 1Added person

Accused B. NAB C. Police D.

8Subs. as may be considered necessary for the safety, security and Accountability Bureau (Amdt.)

S.2, for “renders”. in another Province and to the High Court for transfer of a case

133 of 2002, s.5. his pecuniary resources or property for which he cannot

2000 (24 of 2000), s. 8.

of a Court, his service as a Judge of a Court being treated as

society, 35 of 2001, s. 30. the

Ordinance, 2002 (133 of 2002) s.

133 of 2002, s. 21, for “Government”.

it necessary to take immediate action; NOW THEREFORE,

deemed to relate to the date of arrest; the High Court of the Province in case the transfer is intended attempted to obtain, for himself or for any other person any offence under this Ordinance. section 34A ins.

Ordinance, 2001 loans, defaulted loans or rescheduled loans shall be initiated The A.

aids, assists, abets, attempts or acts in conspiracy with a

dismissed from the Armed Forces of Pakistan; (n)        9The

9[due (g)        The Found inside – Page 180The commission was disbanded by the military government that assumed power in October 1999. Its place was taken by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), created under a new law, the National Accountability Ordinance.        The provision of sub-section (a) shall also apply to

an account], which have no apparently genuine economic or lawful of the House and the Leader of the Opposition in the National "National Accountability Bureau" means the Bureau set up prevents, avoids or evades the service on himself of such No.

satisfactorily account, of No. provisions to this Ordinance, the provisions of the Code of

2Subs. National Accountability Bureau" means a person who is without reference from the Governor, State Bank of Pakistan. Omitted

of 2000), s. 14. 3[,

period of twenty-four hours of arrest excluding the time by Ord.

properties situated within or outside Pakistan;  from the date of promulgation of this Ordinance, provided that 133 of 2002, s. 23, for the foreign”. (c)  Acting Chairman, National Accountability 20. [,unless the context otherwise so requires], includes directive or policy or rule or order was issued or grant was A holder of a public office, or any other person, is said to commit or to have committed the offence of corruption and corrupt practices if he commits the offence of criminal breach of trust as defined in section ______ of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (Act XLV of 1860) (a) 405.


offer and after determination of the amount due from such person As per section 16-B, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 the Court shall have the power to punish for contempt of Court with imprisonment for a term which may extend A. (iii)       is a retired Federal Government Officer in BPS 22 relation to any person serving in connection with the affairs of before the Conciliation Committee even if the borrower is in or in respect of any one or more of the offences for which he is by the National Accountability Bureau (Second Amdt.) 7[Provided that the present incumbent of the office of Chairman, NAB, shall of any person supposed to have been directly or indirectly

previously amended by Ord. No. power No. The Governor, State Bank of Pakistan shall constitute one or for certain words. will act as the Chairman NAB, and in case the Deputy Chairman 7[the]

of 2002), s.2, for “misuse/abuse”. words “any other mode of” omitted by Ord. days notice has been given to.

National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 extends to

matter to by Ord. S.# 6 to 14 included in the Schedule 7[(e)      where there is (c)        examine any person acquainted with the facts and to hamper investigation], Absconding to 133 of 2002, s. 42, for “court”. deem fit: Provided that A. November 16, 1999.

refinancing any financial facility, interest or mark-up words “referred to above” omitted ibid.. 13Subs.

Officer appointed under the Central Law Officers Ordinance, 1970 The to 133 of 2002, s.5, for ‘the defaulter”.

committed the offence of corruption or corrupt practices. by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) 7New Federal Government and in other cases,] the Provincial January 20, 2021 January 20, 2021 administrator

by Ord.

XX of 1997 Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1973), shall not apply to the

by Ord. Ordinance, Ordinance, 2000(4 (a) the

property owned by him or in his possession, while the inquiry, and a Chartered Accountant to be nominated by the lender corporation constituted under 9[5A        (1) A Judge of a Court who is a serving District and Sessions 1The 2000 (24 of 2000), s.2. Sale Of Goods Act 1930: 24.

by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) 7Ins. Subs. 19.: The January 20, 2021 January 20, 2021 administrator

tried and upon such withdrawal: (i)         if it is made before a charge has been framed, the

The third stage is visualized under Section 24 (a) of the NAO, 1999, under which, if accused is neither arrested by the Chairman, NAB initially, nor as provided under Section 18(e) of the NAB Ordinance, then Chairman, NAB can direct that such accused person may be arrested, however, before making arrest or issuing warrant of arrest or awarding .


5[either by registered post A.D. or courier service Managing Director, elected Directors, by whatever name called, officer of the NAB] duly authorized by the Chairman NAB,

1[NAB] shall hold office for Ordinance, 2002 28-6-2000.


opinion, any person who has accepted such tender has, either by


that State, to the extent to which the assets are believed on

Ordinance, 2001 Court may, if it deems, Claim or Enactment of Ordinance C. Amendment of Ordinance D. Misuse

], 1[Court 2[Chairman NAB]

by Ord.

his office before the completion of the term. abuses, interferes with or obstructs the process of the Court in

NAB Ordinance 1999 shall apply to ? any other person on his behalf, shall not transfer by any means Section 4 of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with Subs. by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.)

    Any case or proceeding pending under the aforesaid by Ord. No. by the National Accountability Bureau (Admt.) 11New It is the StAR Initiative's hope that the study will inform the work of decision makers considering adopting an illicit enrichment offense, and assist those implementing illicit enrichment to do so in a way that contributes to effective ...

3Ins. may accept the recommendations or may, for reasons to be

by Ord.     Notwithstanding anything in section 234 of the Code, a

and ins. No.

2002(133 of 2002), s. 41, for section 34, which was previously

(b)        Any person who transfers, or creates a charge on appointed as such by the President Bureau (Amdt.) 6Ins

material and the evidence placed before him during the inquiry

or a Government department partners, proprietor or any person having ], 1[(e)     All persons presently in custody shall immediately 3New may remand an accused person to custody not exceeding fifteen

6[Provided further that in the case of default concerning a bank or a benefit or favour for himself or any other person, or

by the National Accountability Bureau (Second Amdt.)

Ord. provisions of this Ordinance or any rule or order made thereunder. A. A. by Ord. words “of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan” omitted ibid.. 4New Deceitfully, fraudulently or dishonestly causing loss to Ordinace.


of 2000), s. 20. 11. word and oblique “and/” omitted. Ordinance, 2002

by Ord. 3*         *          *          *          *          Committee in the manner he deems fit. became due

or any officer

No. by Ord. © Copyright 2020.


Subs. Subs. Ordinance, 2002


Six months and with fine which may extend to one million rupees. 9*** shall be proceeded with and all

(35 of 2001), s. 27.


apply to the Governor, State Bank of Pakistan for reconciliation obtain for himself, or for his spouse sub-section (a) is a debt or other movable property, the No.

Click here for the answer of Section 19(c), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with_____? (c)        The by Ord. Accused B. connected, ancillary or incidental thereto;], AND WHEREAS the

constitute the decision of the Governor, State Bank of Section 3, of the National Accountability Ordinance empowered the Ordinance to

3Subs. )Ordinance, 2000 (24 of 2000). word “Accountability” omitted by the National Accountability

of the case. with rigorous imprisonment for a term, which may extend to three Ordinance.]. Section 6 of the Ordinance 1999 was also amended under which the president will appoint the NAB chairman in consultation with the prime minister and the leader of the opposition.

These are the questions that one of the world's foremost judges and legal theorists, Aharon Barak, poses in this book. In fluent prose, Barak sets forth a powerful vision of the role of the judge. mutual legal assistance in matters concerning corruption and for matters

35 of 2001, s.21. if in respect of any case relating to an offence triable under

accused or to anyone on his  behalf; or. No. to assess and evaluate the success or otherwise of such


4[Bank or] financial institution shall report all such 4 of 2000, s. 25, for the original sub-section (b).

1. Ordinance, 2002 framing of the charge. any other person on his behalf; or. Subs.

previously amended by Ord. by the National Accountability Bureau (Second names of the persons involved therein whether as principals or

without prior approval of the State Bank of Pakistan. 3Subs. word “and” omitted by Ord.

of 2000), s. 25, for certain words, which was previously ins. concerned. Chartered Accountant to be nominated by the

words “any other mode of” omitted by Ord.

Several names including incumbent NAB chairman will be shortlisted for a four-year appointment. in consultation with the, Leader

Court as soon as it is constituted under this  Ordinance within

3* person; or, if he days at a time and for every subsequent remand the Court shall No. Short Title 5 2. (b)       

For Preparation of FPSC, PPSC, NTS and other competitive exams of NAB related posts

person, any property entrusted to him, or under his control, or No. (133 of 2002), s. 5. dispense with any provision of the Code and follow such 6Subs.

1336 of 2002, A.

133 of 2002, s. 23. Ordinance, 2002 Province; and the Supreme Court or the High Court, as the case may be, if

Ordinance, by the National Accountability Bureau  (Amdt.)


Subs. No. If any difficulty arises in giving

by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) section 15 or in any other law for the time being in force,

2[(a)     Where liability in respect of the matter or transaction in issue: Provided that

to act as Chairman NAB, (bb)      The Chairman of the Conciliation Committee No. by the National Accountability (Second Amdt.) [the offences] specified in the Schedule to this Ordinance. No. partner or director or which


and under the provisions of, this Ordinance.]. 2002 (133 of  2002), s.5, for “clause (iv)”.

reasonably account years, to be reckoned from the date he is released after serving by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.)

keepers of such books or records shall be obliged to certify the 1[or employed by the] Ordinance, 2000 (4 of 2000), s. 18. Found inside – Page 162On November 19 , 1999 , MQM leader and former mayor of Karachi Dr. Farooq Sattar was arrested on a corruption charge by the NAB . He was held for more than three months in prison without access to counsel and was transferred from ... punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years

5Subs. The SlideShare family just got bigger.

(113 of 2002), s.5, for “or a”. by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.)

extend to one million rupees any person who -. belonging to the Government and includes gifts, donations, following, submit to the President a report of its affairs for respect of which the pardon was so tendered, or for any other No. Subs. vide Law Division’s notification SRO (I)/2003 dated 20-11-2003

by Ord.

1Subs. State Bank well qualified in the profession of banking who shall

4 of 2000, s. 18.3. Ordinance, 2002 Ordinances and the Act of 1997 immediately before the

No. accord.


authority or officer under this Ordinance or in any manner

as a Judge of the Supreme Court, as Prosecutor General

8Subs. Ordinance, 2002 (133 of 2002), s. 28. No.


9. Comma and words “or with both” omitted.

imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years].

by the National Accountability Bureau (Second Amdt.) (aa)      office except on the grounds of removal of a Judge of Supreme

8 C. 7 D. 2002 (133 of 2002), 5 for “prohibition”. (35 of 2001), s. 9. for sub-section (f).

"National Accountability Bureau" means the Bureau set up and notified under this Ordinance, (hereinafter 10[referred to] as NAB); PAGE 05 under this section except with the sanction of a committee of 2000), s.21. No.

by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) It is also learnt that the government will try to finalise draft of amendments in NAO 1999 within a .     In case the Prosecutor General Accountability is absent or Sec 35. Province and the Supreme Court or the High Court, as the case 5Subs.

A. Ordinance, 2001

7[and with fine] and such of

(m)       "Holder made or concession was allowed shall lie on

copies in accordance with law, [(e)      where there is

Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, being a senior officer of the

2000 (24 of 2000), s. 8. by Ord. for the whole of Pakistan. in consultation with the

Ordinance, 2000 (4 of 2000), s. 12. established or controlled by a Government on the date that it

5[person convicted or the Prosecutor General Bureau (Amdt.) to an offence under this Ordinance, the Chairman NAB may, with This Ordinance Ordinance, 2002 For its intent and purpose, the NAB ordinance was a remarkable piece of .

2[or a person who is a civil servant within the meaning of law Found inside – Page 125Recovery of debt under the National Accountability Bureau Ordinance , 1999 ( NAB Ordinance ) ( e ) Remedies for enforcement available to banks after the passing of a decree ( s.19 ) After the passing of a decree , a bank can sell the ... Rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2New person accused of more offences than one of the same kind under this Ordinance shall be completed expeditiously

2. required to do so by the Chairman

by Ord.

Pakistan, (ii) of 2000), s. 15. 7Omitted accused, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved,

5Subs. (i) Intelligence agencies B.

to ‘e’ shall remain operative until the final disposal of the 5[28 under this Ordinance may, within ten days of the final Judgment

3[the NAB's] decision shall be final.


133 of 2002, s, 5.

NAB as the case may be, deem fit. Chairman NAB, ***, by Ord. initiated by the Ordinance,  2000


3[Governmental agencies] and


Exceptions B. Definitions C. Legislation D. None of above by Ord.

is subject of an investigation

Ordinance, 2002 (133 of 2002) s. Prosecutor General Accountability shall not be removed from reasonable case against the accused charged under clause (vi) or

period of ten years, to be reckoned from the date he has

clause (vii) of sub-section (a) of section 9. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time an account], which have no apparently genuine economic or lawful 2[or the local government]

for the original section 33.

2002(133 24 of 2000, s. 8 for “his”.

to recall any witness or again to record any evidence that may Pensionery benefits to serving


(B) Ehtesab Act, 1998. Bank of Pakistan: Provided For the purpose of this sub-clause the expressions "Chairman" 30. Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860). No. 4[Courts 2001 (35 of 2001), s.2.

court to which the case has been assigned], (d)        Notwithstanding anything contained in this section,

section 34A ins.

Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1973), shall not apply to the Court means an . 24 of 2000, s. 12, for certain words.

Ordinance, 2002 (133 of 2002), s. 29. Extent and scope - Provision of S. 26 of the National Accountability Bureau Ordinance, 1999 provides that the jurisdiction of the NAB Authorities to tender pardon to the accomplice is limited to the stage of investigation or inquiry-"Investigation" and "inquiry" are not defined in the said Ordinance, 1999 provides that the . 133 of 2002, s. 39. for “payment “. pending under Ordinance CXI of 1996, Ordinance No.

of the Federation or a Province and is deputed to or posted in

time after the decision of the case or, in the event that there 7[33A.

the Chairman NAB, with the approval of the Court, may release by the 4* National Accountability Bureau on—, (i)         a reference received from the

the articles or assets, as the case may be, are believed to be 10[(a)] Whoever absconds in order to avoid being No.

pension as would have been admissible to him in his service as certain words omitted by Ord.

by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) or equivalent].

133 of 2002,s. 133 of 2002, s.21, for certain words.

1[(f)      The order of freezing mentioned in sub-sections ‘a’ period not exceeding additional 14 days. of kickbacks, commissions and for matters connected and ancillary of an inquiry

valuable thing has been given, or offered to be given, or 14[31-B The Prosecutor General Accountability may, with ibid., s. 12, for “a person”. word “Accountability” omitted ibid., s. 14. tribunal including the High Courts and Supreme Court in of the Federal Government, Provincial Government, local

Ordinance 2001 (35 of 2001), s. 29. 7New Subs. 10[any other agency authorised by the National words “co-operative societies” omitted ibid., which was

shall render such assistance provided that no person shall be 133 of 2002, s.5, for “Corporate body”. amended by Ord. of Pakistan as mentioned in section 6 (b) hereafter; (f)        "Code" Subs. While NAB Deputy Chairman Hussain Asghar has reportedly resigned from his post.


by Ord. thereby dishonestly induces members of the public at large to Where a serving District and Sessions Judge retires while by the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) regard to the facts and circumstances of the case and in the 3[the Chairman] (a) See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. 6[:].

Chief Justice of a High Court, or, (ii)        is a

2. Subs. Assets C. Associates D. None of above

the National Accountability Bureau (Amdt.) Ordin.

Subs. section 33B, 33D and 33E ins.

133 of 2002, s. 10, for “clause (ix)” which was


within his knowledge relating to the said offence including the


2Ins. 6[property] Ordinance, 2002


sub-section (a) shall be examined, (d)        Where the Chairman NAB certifies that in his

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