does belle ever remember rumpelstiltskin

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9. Mai 2017

Great job! He returns home a few days early, however, and discovers this. Hook is trying his best to warn Emma of imminent danger, but Rumple soon finds him outside and ties him up with magic. She reveals that he died, much to his dismay, but assures him that she loved him too and that she must let her go so that Baelfire's sacrifice wasn't in vain. She orders Hook to kiss the savior or else she'll have to begin killing people Emma loves, starting with Henry. Before he can kick them out, he has a sudden heart attack, and so Robin rushes him to hospital. She tells him there always is with him, and he says that in the new land, should he ever come to her for any reason, she must tend to his every request, and do whatever he says, so long as he says 'please'. Baelfire: Just remember that if you'd found a way to keep us in the same body, Goldenfire Swan would've . This prompts him to use the dagger to carve into the palm of his own hand, slicing it open enough to draw a sufficient amount of blood. The two of them then pull his chair up to the transparent clock face and put his telescope to his eye where through it he sees Mr. Gold and Lacey walking out of an establishment, talking happily after a presumable date. Haha, my feelings abt OUAT still fresh and overwhelming X) First of all, I just want to say that making Rumpelstiltskin the Beast was GENIUS. Rumple is again forced to hold off these threats, telling them to get the dagger so that he can fight for their side, but they point out that that's easier said than done. When Robin leaves, Marian walks in and reveals that she switched the vials, before revealing that she's also Zelena in disguise, having followed Emma and Hook through the time portal after faking her death and killed Marian in order to take her guise. In the episode, Rumpelstiltskin's life with Belle is explored and the consequences that awaits the couple, while in the present day . Belle: You've always felt more comfortable behind a mask. Rumple is left heartbroken, having lost Belle and his child before the latter is even born. He swears revenge on Ella, however, for double crossing him, and Ella is distraught when she later emerges after Thomas has disappeared; Rumplestiltskin is to blame. Gold smiles and tells him "course you can". When it seems that Mary Margaret is doomed, Mr. Gold reminds Emma that there is still time for him to work a little magic.

The group then head to Regina's mausoleum, where they find the Mayor unconscious in her vault, having been knocked out by the real Pan. Turns out that Mr. Gold, or should I say Rumpelstiltskin, does in fact remember everything. Soon, Gold pins August to a tree with the dagger to his throat, he wonders what August's aims are and why he's not scared. When they all search the woods, Gold meets up with the Snow Queen in secret in order to threaten her into making a deal, but she ultimately doesn't bite, and he returns to his shop only to have Belle beg him to accompany her to the Snow Queen's lair as she believes her to possess a hat that can steal magic from sorcerers - unaware that Rumple himself possesses it. ("Firebird"), With Belle safely home, Gold immediately goes to her father's flower shop to explain to him that his daughter's under a sleeping curse and needs a kiss of true love to wake up. While she is alone with it, Rumple leaves the tower door unlocked, thus allowing his maid to break in with the baby in tow when she attempts to escape with it. Mary Margaret: Thank you. He doesn't find what he's looking for in the wall safe, at which Peter Pan arrives on the scene. Belle: A lifetime of craven self-interest is a nasty habit that you've never been able to break. He takes out a vile of Regina tear from his cabinets and asks for one of Mary Margaret's, to make his spell work. On this Sunday’s episode, de Ravin loses the disheveled wig and crazy looking baby squirrel and transforms into Belle. ("The Savior"), Gold eventually returns to Storybrooke and to his shop where he senses the presence of the Evil Queen, who Regina separated herself from and failed to destroy. However, when he combines their essences in an attempt to find the baby, the globe is unable to configure a location and Rumple begins to worry that their child is somehow lost.

Five Times Rumpelstiltskin was Haunted by Belle - And One Time She Was Real by Fyre (M, one-shot) - Sometimes, when we lose someone, they never leave us. Ever since Elsa made her icy debut back in Once Upon a Time 's Season 3 finale, it's all anyone wants to talk about — ironically, making Frozen a pretty "hot" topic these days. She reveals that she has information he needs if he wants to cleave the dagger's control over him for good and make it so he can leave Storybrooke for good and retain his power and his wife (in short, have what every villain wants: everything), and he gives her the ribbons in exchange for this information... which she whispers. Belle insists that Rumple must feel sympathy, but he assures her otherwise, before firing the arrow. ("Tougher Than the Rest"), Gideon hasn't been found, though Gold surmises that he's searching for the remnants of the sword that Emma shattered. She soon mentions that this is because she drove Emma out of town, however, Gold tells her not to bet on that, annoying her. ("Save Henry"), After the Dark Curse hits, Rumplestiltskin becomes trapped in the town of Storybrooke, Maine with the new identity of Mr. Gold, the "owner" of the town as well as its local pawnbroker. Based on the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Cruel Beauty is a dazzling love story about our deepest desires and their power to change our destiny.

However, he still plans on gaining his revenge on Mr. Gold, and so he enacts a Dark Curse by crushing Merlin's heart, for Nimue still lives on inside of him and Merlin is the thing she loves most, as Rumple originally explained to him. The two venture to the well in the woods soon after Emma breaks the curse, they arrive, meaning that Belle remembers Gold/Rumplestiltskin and tells him that she loves him. She forges a note to Zelena, pretending that it's from the Queen, and has her wicked sister catch Rumple and his new lover while they are in the midst of passionately making out in the backroom of his shop. Rumple's only way to be let go is to do something for Hordor - kiss his boot. Rumple then reminds his father that, while he may have lost his shadow, there is one thing he is forgetting: Rumple has also lost his shadow. The Charmings surmise that love expressed through song is a magic the likes of which the Queen has never seen, and they think that it can be wielded against her as a weapon and used to defeat her. However, the Dark One reveals that he cannot bring James back from the dead. In Storybrooke, over at Mr. Gold Pawnbroker & Antiquities Dealer, we see the pawnbroker walking around his shop in the background.

Hook wishes to fulfill his revenge against Rumple, and offers him a now whole Excalibur, challenging him to a fair duel on his ship. I thought that these fairy tales were the based on the original Grimm stories. Rumplestiltskin, also nicknamed Rumple, is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. Snow is left highly confused and scared, as she never revealed her name. She is given the Dark One's dagger by her mother, and she gives it to Regina for safekeeping. Regina continues to refute this, continuing to theorize that Rumple wants to get out of their previous deal and escape the curse, but the Dark One asks her why he'd do that, given that, not only has he been promised a cushy new life in the world he's entering with obliviousness, but he's exactly where he wants to be.

("White Out"), Rumplestiltskin is visited by Anna of Arendelle who wants to know why her parents came to the Enchanted Forest all those years ago, offering to do whatever it takes for this information. ("Going Home"), While trying to pull down his curtains for springtime, Belle wonders why Rumple spins so much, and he explains that it helps him forget. She also presents him with the shears, which she managed to recover, and offers to hand them over in exchange for him helping her get something else she's always wanted - Snow White's heart. Belle and Gold getting a dalmatian. It costs a hundred gold coins, and Rumple and Milah have no way of amounting this kind of money; as such, Milah orders her husband to return to Fendrake later and take the potion. She decides to pay it herself, but Rumple tells her that since Regina is asking for the magic then she has to pay it. Once Upon A Time: Abridged: 204 - The Crocodile He leaves, and Belle looks unfinished with her husband. Henry is now burned but Rumple soon heals him before they decide to put Charming under a sleeping curse instead so that he can communicate with Snow. ("Her Handsome Hero"), Belle continues to lament the fact that she pushed Gaston into the River of Lost Souls and Rumple tells her to stop torturing herself, believing that she did what she had to do to protect him and their child. She brings him back to Rumple's castle to tend to his wound, and he confesses that his true intentions were to rescue her from the Dark One by trapping him in Pandora's Box, claiming that Maurice sent him. The next day, Rumple is told that Milah has been kidnapped by pirates and he goes to the ship of Killian Jones to ask for his wife back, however, Jones refuses. She requests that Rumple train her in magic, being very powerful, and he agrees, taking her into the woods where he blindfolds her. Rumple agrees to this, and learns via crystal ball that Cruella has kidnapped Henry, having told Emma and Regina that they must kill Isaac, or else their son dies. Once Upon a Time recap: Cora dies | She notes how much he's let himself go and begins to shave him with with the knife, explaining that she learned to do so when her father returned home drunk every night but demanded that appearances be kept up. ("Skin Deep"), Rumple appears to Queen Regina after she has just slaughtered an entire village for not giving up the whereabouts of Snow White, after harboring her. However, Rumple can't be sure that the Count won't try killing the Charmings again, and so he poisons the handmaiden and appears to the Count, explaining that he can stop Charlotte's death by taking her to the Land of Untold Stories and going with her, thereby putting her story on hold. Beauty and the Beast (Disney version) is a beautiful story, but severely flawed in the sense that you’re teaching little girls that controlling men with severe temper issues can change overnight if you love them enough: so not true in real life. She points out that, when he was the Dark One, he didn't advertise his plans, and he points out in turn that, while his plans were indeed hidden, his reasons were not: every time he used magic he told himself he was doing it for the good of Baelfire, but ultimately he ended up losing him. Bae convinces his papa not to use his magic, for he's done what he needed to do now, and Rumple promises that he won't. Cruella's magic is first needed to control a horde of poisonous bugs, which she inhabits and forces to deviate, granting them access to what's inside. Belle first appears in the . ", and he tells her "That little thing, growing inside your belly", as he reaches for her stomach. Belle doesn't believe him. However, she is taken hostage by Greg and Tamara before she can enact this plan. Since Jekyll is currently remaking the serum that created Hyde and the Queen in the hopes that it will be able to kill them, Rumple goes with Regina to the lab, then betraying them both by stealing the serum for himself and pouring it over the dagger. Tell Me My Name Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space When the sword is complete, Emma goes to grab it... but she hesitates, recalling that Merlin told her when she was a little girl to leave the sword alone. Gold tries to tell her that vengeance will get her nothing, and certainly not Henry, but Regina assures him that she will have everything. The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories Emma investigates only to find Kathryn has returned - very much alive. The stories had barely anything to do with the real plot lines of the show. Rumplestiltskin is a fictional character in ABC's television series Once Upon a Time. She asks "Who can? However, when Rumple and Belle return to the shop and he goes to get her some clothes, he retrieves the wraith's medallion from a box. Amused, Gold tells the Mayor that he's flattered, but not interested, and she assures him that she didn't mean it like that; she requires that he find a baby for her to adopt and soon, as the waiting lists she's looked into are all at least two years. Tiger tries to stop her, so Fiona rips out her heart, thus darkening herself and becoming the Black Fairy. He admits that he would never give up his power, pointing out that everything he's ever done has been in the interest of preserving it and even his selfless deeds such as finding Baelfire, sacrificing himself to save Storybrooke and marrying Belle have been meticulously undone by his scheming. Snow White sets Regina free, giving her a chance to change, however, Regina strangles Snow and stabs her with the knife intended for her. It’s obvious Rumpel still loves Belle after all this time. From there, she leaves. Though being told it's only for a day, Belle continues to question why he must go, and so Rumple states, making sure to leave out the part about re-acquiring his powers, that it is because he is the only one of them who has ever been there before, and his blood is able to summon Charon on the ferryboat. She goes, but cannot poison him, shocked to learn that the "poison" was actually an antidote to the spell Rumple had earlier enacted to turn the kindly old man into a mouse; he explains that he needed her tear to break the enchantment guarding the box containing the hat, which can only be broken by those who've faced their inner-darkness and overcome it. He continues, saying the darkness likes how she tastes and it doesn't mind the bitter. realize he has a flimsy case. Regina assures him that she's no longer in the business of making deals with him. Unbeknownst to them, however, the reason it didn't appear where it was supposed to is because Belle and Zelena got sucked up in it as well. Sleeping Beauty has woken. He gives Frankenstein a magic heart in exchange for his abidance on the matter so that he can go on to bring his brother back from the dead. Your Happily Ever After When someone is truly loved, and truly loves someone else, they change into a better person. As they begin to defend themselves, Gold asks Mary Margaret for an extra blanket, however, when she looks for one, she instead finds the magic candle that was given to her as a little girl, one that when lit, can save one life by taking another. Belle then confronts him over trapping her on that ship in the first place, pointing out how he keeps finding new ways to ruin lives, and he ends up saying how eventually she'll come back to him because necessity, and the need to protect their child, will force her to love him again. When he asks the Queens of Darkness about Belle, they laughingly reveal that she's "moved on", and so Rumple later heads up the the surface in order to spy on her from across the street. He tells him all about how addictive the call of the darkness can be once you've had a taste, as well as how he came to taste it himself; he did it for good reasons, to save his first son, but it didn't make him a hero, because darkness can't do that. Rumple points this out, and goes on to mention how much he prefers Anna when she's neither talking nor breathing. English translation of sixty-three tales from the Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmärchen, including the classic Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Tom Thumb, and Rumpelstiltskin. ("Murder Most Foul"), Regina summons Rumplestiltskin in order to escape her wedding day, as her overbearing mother, Cora, is forcing her into a loveless marriage with King Leopold. He tries to use his magic to destroy it but it appears to be immune, and so Rumple pockets the doll and continues searching for Henry. Long live the Evil Queen. Later, the Queen approaches him in his shop, another plan having failed, and reaches the epiphany that she's been going about everything all wrong. Captain Hook Ouat Once Upon A Time Rumpelstiltskin Regina Peter Pan . Instead, he enchants a seashell and gives it to her, telling her to give it to a person called Belle, and she'll know what to do.

Snow later calls upon Rumplestiltskin and asks him what his price is in exchange for the information he provided Charming, but Rumple reveals that he never told Charming anything, and proves that the sword in Snow's hands is a fake by turning it to dust. The two of them follow the snowflakes to the Snow Queen, who Rumple later meets in the woods at the dead of night for a little discussion. With Belle having returned, realizing that her husband did something selfless by lying to her and that she just wants to be with him, Emma threatens to tell her the truth unless Gold does her a favor. Prince Henry, on the other hand, has finished his unfinished business and ascended Mount Olympus, making the heroes realize that every soul in the Underworld has a chance at salvation. Before the topic can be discussed further, Hook runs into the apartment building and stabs Rumple in the chest with his iconic hook, telling him that he took Milah, his one true love, away from him. She witnesses the two humble shepherds be bullied by vicious warlord Bo Peep and ultimately helps David defeat her by teaching him how to wield a sword.

When the two of them kiss, he senses that something is wrong, and she ends up admitting that while she was able to take the King's heart... she decided not to do so. Rumpelstiltskin: Shut up! He manages to find his son pilfering the broken sword from the sheriff's station, and from there he's able to knock him out and tie him up in the clock tower, magic inhibited. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), Rumple is forced by Zelena to go into the woods and steal Regina's heart, which is being guarded by Robin Hood. She states to herself that it's not that difficult, making a fireball in her own hand with ease, angry that Regina is still being trained when she is clearly better. With this, Gold returns to the club and asks Lacey out on a date, and she agrees to go with him.

Unlike the past, Belle does not request to accompany Rumple and the heroes on their new journey this time, but instead she simply gives her lover a kiss, telling him to come back to her when he's done. He worries, but she assures him that the damage is minimal, and can be fixed. However, seeing Emma in peril is enough to give him a change of heart, and he absorbs the darkness himself and makes her stab him. Greg brings up the matter of the job again, and asks Hook if they have a deal. She has a few appearances in Season 1 and the final season.She becomes a major character in Seasons 2-6. ("The Broken Kingdom"), Emma is unable to light the ember of the Flame of Prometheus, and Merlin, upon the revelation that he's now tethered to the broken Excalibur and under Arthur's control, tells her that she won't be able to accomplish this feat until she's fully ready to let go of the darkness; he also reveals that Arthur and Zelena are keeping her family hostage, and tells her to bring the ember and the dagger if she ever wants to see them again.

Ladybird Well-Loved Tales Rumpelstiltskin (mini Hardback) Zelena then asks if he hasn't realized it yet - they are doing it all over again, and when her plan succeeds, he will choose differently for the Queen will never have been born. Charming wonders how he is planning to do this as each exit is guarded, he soon realizes that Maurice has been down to the mines, so the four of them head there too. In this version of Beauty and the Beast, Emilie de Ravin says this dark fairytale has no singing or dancing clocks. There, she discovers the incantation to summon the Black Fairy, which Rumple has been so far unable to translate.

Belle decides to go with Rumpelstiltskin because it was always her dream to be the brave one. ("Where Bluebirds Fly"), After Gold wakes Blue for good, the Black Fairy kidnaps her, but the Dark One is able to put a cuff on Gideon in this time and tie him up. As Belle admits this to the others, Gold pays the Snow Queen a visit and reveals that he's in possession of the sorcerer's hat, meaning that he has leverage over her. Not wanting her to get away with this, he threatens to exploit their contract and take her baby when it's born; however, she reminds him that they changed the contract so that he only gets his own child, and from now on any children that Cora may have won't be Rumple's. Regina soon goes to see Gold in his shop, wondering why he found the loophole in the Town Charter, Gold tells her that legal documents have always been a fascination of his. Belle and Rumplestiltskin reunite, and Belle remembers him after the curse is broken and Rumplestiltskin introduces magic into Storybrooke. Knowing fairy language, Belle reads it and writes out the translation, at which point Rumple reveals himself and takes the baby from her, now having all that he needs for a confrontation with his mother. Emma says that she's willing to go as far as it takes. ("Devil's Due"), Hades has Rumple create a portal to Storybrooke to bring over Zelena's baby, but it doesn't seem to work. She then leads him to the edge of a cliff from which he drops the straw doll, meaning that the conjuring of Belle is now free to wander off into the jungle and dissipate. ("Poor Unfortunate Soul"), Regina is "unable" to retrieve the page, and so brings Gold, Maleficent and Cruella a photo of the door instead, taken on her phone. The Charmings then leave and Lacey appears, having heard everything and being very impressed that Mr. Gold can do magic. They stroke luck with Granny's Diner as Red has seen her, saying that she wanted a job and that she suggested the library. Desperately wanting this, Ella signs a contract and Rumple transforms her into a princess. You stop thinking about “me” and start thinking about “you”. Later, however, after the Charmings have been awoken, Rumple approaches his mother outside the clock tower, having heard how she ordered Gideon to destroy the town's crop of pixie flowers and yet somehow one survived. Rumplestiltskin, nicknamed Rumple or The Crocodile and also known as The Savior, is a main character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. When transported by the Dark Curse, Rumplestiltskin lost his beastly appearance and became . They disobey him, needing to be with their daughter, but soon conclude that they can't expend everyone else's happiness for their own. The blonde explains that she will investigate further on the case and Gold tells her that he believes it to be Moe who robbed him. Regina later goes back to Mr. Gold to gloat that she retrieved a poisoned apple from the fairytale world, Gold reminds her that all magic comes at a price and she tells him that he can pay it. He asks how he can help, so she tells him she needs a cure. That night, Zelena dresses Mr. Gold in a nice suit and prepares a meal, proceeding to dine with him in civility. Once Upon A Time: "Lacey" Now we have a very interesting turn of events.

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