translatability examples

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9. Mai 2017

4) A translation should read like a translation. And they, idealistically, do not allow any addition or loss of meaning in the transferring process as in translation, which is actually inevitable and is a rule rather than an exception.

Xu Yuanchong, for instance, has translated several books of Chinese ancient poems into English, the most important being the The 300 Hundred Tang Poems . Translation is impossible; it is only a pedagogical necessity. The expression such as kick down the ladder (过河拆桥) is a good example .It means treat with contempt those through whose assistance one has risen to a position of importance . If translating literally according to the Chinese form, confusion emerges. What is the significance of such an assertion? (Lu,, 2002: 255) The reason why the geographical name is omitted is that the translator feels no need to burden the target reader who would know little where that place is while for a Chinese the association is immediate, activating a vivid picture of the harsh environment for the poor soldiers, hungry, cold with knee-deep snow and whipping wind, hopeless of returning safe and sound, and confronted with the deadly barbarian enemy.

In bioscience, translational research is a term often used interchangeably with translational medicine or translational science or bench to bedside. The collected data were classified according to the mechanisms of lexical euphemism: substitution and deletion, and to the . Three types of untranslatability, referential, pragmatic, and intra-lingual may be the carrier of the message. Response is not merely an individual thing, but is part of culture and history. Keywords: translatability, untranslatability, cultural untranslatability, Chinese-English translation Introduction By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.

It goes on giving a detailed analysis of translation in general, its various definitions, its multiple functions and the author’s own idea of it (Chapter Three).

This thesis, starting to look from new angles such as the accommodation to target cultural conventions, the translator's consciousness of linguistic and cultural adaptations to make it easy for readers to understand translated works without too much pain and effort, and translation as a purposeful endeavor.

As a text is in a sense only ink-marks on a page, and as all meanings are culturally created and transferred, the argument that the meaning is 'in' the text is not a particularly persuasive one. 0000000907 00000 n

To translate is not to say the same thing in another tongue, but to make manifest a different thing. We seek to recover what is ‘meant' in a text from the whole range of possible meanings, in other words, from the meaning potential which Halliday (1978: 109) defines as “the paradigmatic range of semantic choice that is present in the system, and to which the members of a culture have access in their language”. Maybe it's easier to translate an opaque expression than a transparent one.

0000010174 00000 n What is meaning, then? 1. According to Lefevere, translations should be re-termed ‘rewritings', in order to both raise the status of the translator and get away from the limitations of the term ‘translation' (Bassnett & Lefevere, 2001.). 0000036347 00000 n Divisions of this kind tend to mask certain fundamental similarities between texts from different fields. In other words, whenever human communication is necessary, translation will live on and maintain a firm and fast stronghold. Internationalization and Translatability for Beginners AGIS 09, University of Limerick, 21-September-2009 Ultan Ó Broin But you may have to learn other competencies too. We seek to recover what is ‘meant’ in a text from the whole range of possible meanings, in other words, from the meaning potential which Halliday (1978: 109) defines as “the paradigmatic range of semantic choice that is present in the system, and to which the members of a culture have access in their language”. Croce (quoted in Carravetta, 1997) holds that poets cannot be compared, as each is unique. John R Kohl, "Improving Translatability and Readability with Syntactic Cues," Technical Communication 46, no. Found inside – Page 240Although it is generally accepted that such an analysis is not sufficient to achieve a good translation, ... Examples of that level are: “since they waved au revoir to the Nazis” = “depuis la Libération”; “if you look at it the right ... In recent years the scope of linguistics has widened beyond the confines of the individual sentence.

It also suggests something about the space, the topography, of the domain that creates the echo. As on the one hand a text is a historical document, a material fact, and as on the other meaning is inevitably cultural and contextual, the question of whether the text 'really means' what it means to a particular reader, group or tradition can be a difficult and complex one.

What is said here only scratches the surface of a complex and contested area. TA of an established (psychometrically validated) tool may aid in making decisions for instrument selection, for example. …The translatability of a text is thus guaranteed by the existence of universal categories in syntax, semantics, and the (natural) logic of experience. Found inside – Page 55Our own work focuses on matching translation examples using various levels of morphological information plus synonyms, keeping the number of matched fragments for the transfer step as low as possible. We also measure the effect of ... Judaea) as celebrating the Lord's victory. The various domains of socio-linguistics, pragmatics and discourse linguistics are all areas of study which are germane (pertinent) to this process ( Hatim & Mason,1990: 133). (2. Consequently, it seems preferable to handle the issue in terms of equivalence of intended effects , thus linking judgments about what the translator seeks to achieve to judgments about the intended meaning of the ST speaker/writer. (quoted in Basic Principles and Procedures for Bible Translation Forum of Bible Agencies ). 0000073008 00000 n 3) ?? Moreover, the human origin of OoCs can address issues with species-to-species translatability that may arise with animal experiments. 2) Pay your taxes with a smile. Consequently, it is important to judge translating activity only within a social context. . The book is divided into four parts. Part I: The first part of the text consists of 24 chapters that provide readers with an overview of a variety of ASL grammatical features. Cultures that are relatively homogeneous tend to see their own way of doing things as ‘naturally’, the only way, which just as naturally becomes the ‘best’ way when confronted with other ways. The readers' purposes can be divided into two types: for comparative literary research (intellectual) and foreign literature appreciation (aesthetic).

But ? Lynch (2001) provides us with more or less what is generally understood of style in our school days. Nida (1984) presents a rich source of information about the problems of loss in translation, in particular about the difficulties encountered by the translators when facing with terms or concepts in SL that do not exist in TL. Some examples of this type of untranslatability are certain words and expressions that are absent from the target culture, such as the concept of snow in some African culture. conducted on the translatability of euphemistic expressions in the Holy Quran . For example, in the case of ‘hello,' it is pointed out that English does not distinguish between face to face greeting or that on the phone, whereas the other three languages explicitly make this distinction (Ibid, 17).

Newmark (1982) has also once briefly talked about the deviation in translation.

Nida (1975) discusses translation from the point of view of semantic componential analysis, which consists in common (shared) components (the overlapping features of the single lexical units of a word field); diagnostic (contrastive) components (features which distinguish the meaning of individual lexical units of a word field or lexical units with more than one meaning); supplementary components (semantically optional secondary features which often have a connotative –in addition to fundamental meaning/denote: be the sign or symbol of –character and can cause metaphorical extensions).
(2. If it is touched, it dies.” ( my translation) (Ibid: 150). Translation from Chinese into English exhibits the same problem. The second type of translation is interlingual translation. This thesis, starting from a brief account of old ideas of the untranslatability of poetry, proposes instead a hypothesis that poetry is translatable (Chapter One). The reason he adduces is that each language structures the data acquired through experience in its own individual way. 2001.). No doubt, the risks are reduced to a minimum in most scientific and technical, legal and administrative translating; but cultural predispositions can creep in where least expected (Hatim & Mason.1990: 11). In Chinese translation history, in contemporary and modern day translation circles, many experts and scholars have also discussed the problem to some extent in their empirical assertions and research papers. The Biblical story is well known. …Linguistic untranslatability occurs when the linguistic form has a function beyond that of conveying factual relationships and is therefore a constituent part of the functional equivalence to be achieved.

Here in this thesis apparently, our focus and stress is not in the academic sense of translatology per se, which according to Yang Zijian (1998), mainly involves the study of the thinking process and methodology of translation.

Found insideIn the Language Services Department, the translation strategies depicted in figure 16 were used differently, ... in translation—examples that grew from situated analyses of translation in context and that can be expanded as researchers ...

Moreover, translation theories strictly confined themselves within the sphere of linguistics. One must also take into consideration the narratee within the story and how he hears.

Recent trends in socio-linguistics, discourse studies, pragmatics and semiotics, together with insights from the fields of artificial intelligence and conversation analysis, have advanced our understanding of the way communication works. It is, according to many researchers in the field, an emerging discipline, yet to gain the status of an independent, distinct, discipline in the academia around the world. The fact that China, for instance, developed translational strategies only three times in its history, with the translation of the Buddhist scriptures from roughly the second to seventh centuries AD, with the translation of the Christian scriptures starting in the sixteenth century AD, and with the translation of much Western thought and literature starting in nineteenth century AD, says something abut the image of the Other dominant in Chinese civilization, namely that the Other was not considered very important, only as ‘branches or leaves’ instead of the ‘trunk’.

Moreover, translation theories strictly confined themselves within the sphere of linguistics.

In a larger sense, the problem of translatability is one of degree: the higher the linguistic levels the source language signs carry meaning(s) at, the higher the degree of translatability these signs may display; the lower the levels they carry meaning(s) at, the lower the degree of translatability they may register.

It is on the other hand the study of the results. If it is obligatory, is the order in which it occurs appropriate for the TL text format? (Translator = traitor. 0000036425 00000 n Tradition, from Latin tradere (‘hand over'), implies a process of communication, transmission, and transference that necessarily allows for the transformation, whether in terms of “losses” or “gains,” usually associated with what we consensually mean by translation.

Translation is impossible; it is only a pedagogical necessity. Not all words need to be translated.

1) A translation must reproduce the words of the SLT. Many earlier definitions demonstrate this, using source language and target language as their technical terms. The main difficulties in the translation may be summarized as follows. The ISOQOL Translation and Cultural Adaptation Special Interest Group (TCA-SIG) undertook the review of several TA approaches, with the collaboration of organizations who are involved in conducting TA, and members of the TCA-SIG. Not all words need to be translated. Translation practice is one of the strategies a culture devises for dealing with what we have learned to call the “Other” (a term borrowed from Lefevere, 2001, meaning a culture different from one’s own—my interpretation). Xu Yuanchong, for instance, has translated several books of Chinese ancient poems into English, the most important being the The 300 Hundred Tang Poems . Does the meaning exist 'in' the text? translatability phrase. This greater role of legal technology raises new issues for bilingual jurisdictions. Translators from English into English are, needless to say, numerous, such as Bian Zhilin, Guo Moruo, Tu Ang, Huang Gaoxin, Jiang Feng, Cao Minglun , and Zhu Chunshen, to name but a few for the present purpose. Some strictly believe the holiness of the original text and others the absoluteness of the unity of meaning and form in a certain language.

Translation is a matter of choice, but choice is always motivated: omission, additions and alterations may indeed be justified but only in relation to intended meaning (Hatim & Mason.

If we follow the argument above, then translation simply becomes ‘mission impossible'. Three types of untranslatability, referential, pragmatic, and intra-lingual may be the carrier of the message. Recognition and familiarity of the geography is of immense help to bring about the readers' association, thus making comprehension easier. Get your custom essay on, “ Translatability and Poetic Translation ”, Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy".

As such, it is a prospective science which factors the translation process and studies its underlying transfer strategies.

The various domains of socio-linguistics, pragmatics and discourse linguistics are all areas of study which are germane (pertinent) to this process ( Hatim & Mason,1990: 133). (ibid: 187). What does translatability expression mean? All these arguments are strong positive support of the paramount importance of the proper understanding of the original functions as well as the purposes before one sets out doing a piece of translation. You may see that this idea that meaning requires competency in reading can bring us back, as meanings are cultural and as art is artifact, to different conventions and ways of reading and writing, and to the historically situated understandings of the section on the Author, above; at the least, 'meaning' requires a negotiation between cultural meanings across time, culture, gender, class. Legends are of a quite similar character.
The relative adequacy of different translations of the same text can only be determined in terms of the extent to which each translation successfully fulfills the purpose for which it was intended. 7) A translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT. Such precious lines as these are untranslatable for they are too subtle and too refined.

(2016, Sep 19). On the one hand, readers bring to texts their own sets of assumptions based on previous experience of the world, so that each successive portion of text is processed in the light of these assumptions, and predictions are made about the likely development of the text.

Examples from Visual Concrete Poetry * Amrita R. Joshi Abstract This paper attempts to relate some of the intrinsic and extrinsic criteria implied in the notion and nature of untranslatability in inter-semiotic translation. The ever-lasting practice of translation itself manifests the translatability of languages.

“ Poetry is what gets lost in translation,” Robert Frost says. A translation-oriented Model of Text Functions is listed down below: Referential function: informative; metalinguistic; directive; didactic. Hatim & Mason (1997) have this to say, “the gap between theory and practice in translation studies has existed for too long.

In other words, if a translation fails to perform the aesthetic function it is in my eyes a bad translation, no matter how well the form is preserved. For instance in reading Mulk Raj Anand's The Untouchables you might have to learn what the social structure of India was like, what traditions of writing about and/or by Untouchables were in effect in India in the early 1930's, what political, cultural, and personal influences Mulk Raj Anand was guided by in constructing the imaginative world of this short novel; you might have to learn, in reading John Donne's poems, about, for instance, the 'platonic' (really, Florentine Neo-Plotinian) theory of love. Xu Yuanchong’s translation of the geographical location liaoxi becomes ‘frontier’, which provides enough space for readers’ association even without a note to explain it. Many translators in contemporary and modern China have made and are making outstanding contributions to the literary and poetic exchanges between China and the West through their diligent and painstaking work. If all the evidence we have is the text itself, we can only speculate on what the priorities and ideas of the author were from our set of interpretive practices and values (how we read literature and how we see the world).

This may sound like a paradox, if one thinks of the long tradition of translatio studii or translatio imperii in the culture, or if you just ponder the very word tradition . Errors may occur in every aspect of translation, as shown in the following: 1) Pragmatic: caused by inadequate solutions to pragmatic translation problems such as a lack of receiver orientation.

( quoted from Bassnett & Lefevere, 2001: 169), What are the options the translator faces ? Poetry, Puns and Wordplay. In the next chapter (Chapter Two) an analysis of why poetry is untranslatable is made in both linguistic and cultural respects.

i . Chapter Six suggests some strategies in poetic translation, all with a strong consciousness of compensation of possible loss of the source text. An idiom or fixed expression may have a similar counterpart in the target language, but its context of use may be different; the two expressions may have different connotations, they may not be pragmatically transferable. When such cultures themselves take over elements from outside, they will, once again, naturalize them without too many qualms and too many restrictions. On the other hand, text items are analyzed in themselves and matched against each other, a process of syntactic and lexical decoding which results in the gradual building-up of composite meaning as reading proceeds (Alderson and Urquhart 1985). Situations are not universal but are embedded in a cultural habitat, which in turn conditions the situation. Translation happens when humans learn to know the world, restoring what we see of the outside world in our mind in visual code. 3) A translation should read like an original. There is an argument that the formal properties of the text--the grammar, the language, the uses of image and so forth--contain and produce the meaning, so that any educated (competent) reader will inevitably come to essentially the same interpretation as any other. 0000033657 00000 n Next lets move on to study the functional classification of translation errors. (Catford, 93) If translation were not to seek equivalence, there would be no limitation of translatability, and any translated text can be regarded as a correct version of the original text.

Examples of cationic lipids include e.g., 1,2-di-O-octadecenyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTMA) , DOTAP , and zwitterionic DOPE [137,138]. The development of a translational strategy therefore also provides good indications of the kind of society one is dealing with. The idioms and expressions may be culture-specific which can make it untranslatable or difficult to translate. Talking about the translation of Bible in America , the following purposes are proposed. Part II proposes that we understand "translatability" as "elective affinity." Borrowed from German letters and science, "elective affinity" is an essential component of translation across cultures, and it is illustrated with two sets of examples: the encounters between classical Chinese poetry and modern American poets, and those . If translating literally according to the Chinese form, confusion emerges. The function of the translation is put at the top of the list, showing that the most serious error is to fail to convey the original function. For example, the claim of the universal translatability of the English word justice is an extraordinarily presumptive one. There are regularities of discourse procedures which transcend the boundaries between genres and which it is our aim to describe. 1990: 12).

????? The idea of the echo is that we hear our own voices sent back to us. Each specific situation determines what and how people communicate, and it is changed by people communicating.

His wul ǜ , which consists of five characters in each line and eight lines altogether, has the soul of ancient style and the body of the contemporary which is characterized with abundant embellishment.

This is apparent not just from the manner of translating, but even more so from the fact that Taoist concepts were used in translations to acculturate Buddhist concepts. 0000032803 00000 n 2) That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. There was once a landowner who went out early one morning to hire laborers for his vineyard; and after agreeing to pay them the usual day's wage he sent them off to work. In a word, translation is an activity of understanding not only between humans themselves but also between the humans and world. The fact that these texts and phrases are translated and recognized as acceptable translations is the empirical evidence to the legitimacy of non . Armed with this complex structural outline, the translator makes choices at the level of texture in such a way as to guide the TT reader along routes envisaged by the ST producer towards a communicative goal. Appellative function: appeal to reader's previous experience or knowledge; appeal to their sensitivity/their secret desires; appeal to their real or imagined needs. Yet translation of all kinds of religious scriptures are taking place all the time, with either meaning addition or loss of the original. Example: Den Doppelkugelhahn vom Halter abschrauben. Translation is a matter of choice, but choice is always motivated: omission, additions and alterations may indeed be justified but only in relation to intended meaning (Hatim & Mason.1990: 12). The polarisation of thought which these two opposed approaches imply has not always been manifest in translation scholarship. If we accept that meaning is something that is negotiated between producers and receivers to texts, it follows that the translator, as a special kind of text user, intervenes in this process of negotiation, to relay it across linguistic and cultural boundaries.

However, the western languages have strict grammatical rules, requiring fixed structures that forbids free inversions or disorders. Jakobson points out that even synonyms do not capture ‘equivalence' of words. "Poetry is what gets lost in translation," Robert Frost, American poet . 2) A translation must reproduce the ideas (meaning) of the SLT. *Corresponding author. It is well illustrated in the simple example of translating yes and hello to equivalent words in French, German and Italian.

Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the sense of a text in one language - the source text - and the production of another, equivalent text in another language - the target text . When we read a text, we are participating in social, or cultural, meaning. Idioms and legends always provide ready support in this respect.

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