toluene evaporation rate

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9. Mai 2017

Additionally, toluene replacements are safer for the environment since it maintains a slow evaporation rate, is biodegradable, recyclable, and contains no environmentally hazardous ingredients. 2016-02-26T11:36:11-05:00

Both these are aromatic compounds containing benzene rings and attached methyl group(s). Am. Toluene at 86% by volume fuelled all the turbocharged engines in Formula One during the 1980s, first pioneered by the Honda team. For example, when heated with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in the presence of AIBN, toluene converts to benzyl bromide. Somebody took the time to scan it and has it posted on the internet:

Many oil/alkyd resins are made with Xylene and it is frequently used in aluminum paints to promote leafing. Ar - H Aromatics Toluene, benzene R - O - R Ethers Diethyl ether R - X Alkyl halides Tetrachloromethane, chloroform R - COOR Esters Ethyl acetate R - CO - R Aldehydes Acetone, methyl ethyl and ketones ketone R - NH 2 Amines Pyridine, triethylamine R - OH Alcohols Methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, butanol R - COHN 2 Amides Dimethylformamide Industrial Coatings made with solvents dry up to 10 times faster than low-solvent alternatives at room temperature, making painting fast and easy along with other benefits such as long-lasting protection, brilliant performance in extreme weather conditions and many more. Human skin was exposed to the neat solvents and the solvents in binary mixtures with each other and in ternary mixtures with chloroform:methanol. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY . Even worse is that some solvents are quoted in terms of evaporation of ether and with an inverted scale based on time to evaporate rather than the rate of evaporation. Yes. Common name(s) / synonym(s) : Dimethylbenzene, Methyl Toluene, Xylol CAS number / EC number : 1330-20-7/215-535-7 Other substances in product Hazardous to health or environment Chemical Identification Common name CAS number Concentration Ethyl Benzene Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 51- 69 wt% m-Xylene m-Xylene 108-38-3 16 - 26 wt%

2016-02-26T11:36:11-05:00 Toluene can be used to break open red blood cells in order to extract hemoglobin in biochemistry experiments. Toluene has also been used as a coolant for its good heat transfer capabilities in sodium cold traps used in nuclear reactor system loops. As the solvent in some types of paint thinner, permanent markers, contact cement and certain types of glue, toluene is sometimes used as a recreational inhalant[9] and has the potential of causing severe neurological harm. Evaporation from gasoline tank: 0.3 - 0.9 vol % of total evaporated hydrocarbons; evaporation from carburetor: 0.5 - 2.4 vol % of total evaporated hydrocarbons. RATE Hexane 5.61 0.675 65-70 149-158 <0 29 151 <0.1 6.3 Cyclohexane 6.53 0.784 80-82 176-180 0 55 65 0 5.5 Heptane 5.79 0.695 92-100 198-212 15 30 146 0.1 4.5 VM & P Naphtha 6.20 0.744 119-141 256-285 50 32 153 <1 1.6 90 Solvent 6.35 0.762 140-163 285-325 86 34 150 <1 0.33 . Note frozen water "evaporates' (Sublimes) in your freezer. It may also be used as a clean-up solvent for tools and equipment immediately after use. 'U��To�T�Q��@�\�bS]ʩY��_���s���V�� ?�;�ھ��2_��ߒ����1� O�� endstream endobj 16 0 obj <>stream for paints, paint thinners, silicone sealants,[23] many chemical reactants, rubber, printing ink, adhesives (glues), lacquers, leather tanners, and disinfectants. Baker; Structure and properties. endstream endobj 4 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream The toluene experiments also indicated the presence of a local maximum in the distribution of the evaporation rate. Toluene Xylene Naphatha Solvent in water Water in solvent Dilution rate Blushing resistance a 25ºC (% U.R.) Grade AR. Toluene Revision Date 10-Jul-2018 9. Accuracy: For many substances, vapor pressures are only poorly known; expect errors up to a few 10% of the vapor pressure value and up to approx. Does toluene evaporate quickly? Toluene incurs no fuel excise tax, while other fuels are taxed at more than 40%, providing a greater profit margin for fuel suppliers. Reported Koc values: Wendover silty loam, 37, Grimsby The properties of Common Solvents including Boiling Point, flash point and evaporation rate are included in the tabular form Toluene CAS Number: 108-88-3 Specifications Limits Density @ 15 ° C 0.871 kg/L Coefficient of Cubic Expansion @ 20C 11 10^-4/C Refractive Index @ 20° C 1.497 Colour +30 Saybolt Distillation - Initial Boiling Point 110 C Distillation - Dry Point 111 C Relative Evaporation Rate (nBuAc=1) 1.9 Relative Evaporation Rate (Ether=1) 6 Antoine . Human exposure studies and animal studies suggest that exposure to large amounts of toluene during pregnancy can adversely effect the developing fetus. Toluene, xylene and "high-flash" (meaning fast evaporating) naphtha are from the petroleum-distillate family.

Well if your product were a volatile liquid, than toluene's 110 ∘ C boiling temperature (of the pure solvent at atmospheric pressure) may be dangerously high. �0�W�]�6 J���/(���c�h�&B"ҷ7�h=�����hBbBSB#,&�s�ePH�+k�U�V�c��@נQ��>���� So toluene is a little bit more volatile than water so would evaporate a bit faster. Volatilization rate of toluene would increase with the increase of water content when the water content was low. time (min.) [12] In 1841, French chemist Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Deville isolated a hydrocarbon from balsam of Tolu (an aromatic extract from the tropical Colombian tree Myroxylon balsamum), which Deville recognized as similar to Walter's rétinnaphte and to benzene; hence he called the new hydrocarbon benzoène. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the carcinogenic potential of toluene cannot be evaluated due to insufficient information. Evaporation/Subl. The reaction requires a high pressure of hydrogen and a catalyst. See here: Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis. Dinitrotoluene is the precursor to toluene diisocyanate, which used in the manufacture of polyurethane foam. the kidneys, liver, and the heart. These results may bear on site-related factors such as load, flow rate, soil characteristics, and other loss factors such as evaporation and biodegradation. Xylene, similar to Toluene, is also strong and fast acting but evaporates at a much slower rate than Toluene. Depending on the composition of a given solvent blend, the difference in evaporation rate of n-propyl propionate and toluene, 1.2 and 1.9 respectively, may require the addition of a faster-evaporating solvent to achieve the desired evaporation rate characteristics. [34] In 2013, worldwide sales of toluene amounted to about 24.5 billion US-dollars.[35]. Also, ambient air is often around 50% relative humidity whil. study toluene is eliminated during bank infiltration, while in other studies it penetrates infiltration sites. [25][26], In the laboratory, toluene is used as a solvent for carbon nanomaterials, including nanotubes and fullerenes, and it can also be used as a fullerene indicator. Although there are six carbon atoms in a benzene ring, they are all equal chemically, as symmetry suggests. Safety Data Sheet according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. For comparison the vapor pressure of water at 25C is 24 mm Hg. Toluene is produced during the process of making gasoline and other fuels from crude oil, in making coke from coal, and as a by-product in the manufacture of styrene. Toluene reacts with potassium permanganate to yield benzoic acid, and with chromyl chloride to yield benzaldehyde (Étard reaction). TOLUENE In formulations where Toluene is present in relatively small amounts, Toluene can be replaced by Methyl Cyclohexane and/or acetates almost as a direct drop in as long as evaporation rates of the final blend are similar. where M is the molar mass of the evaporating species, R is the ideal gas constant, T the absolute temperature, and pv is the vapor pressure of the evaporating species. In addition, toluene disrupts voltage-gated calcium channels and ATP-gated ion channels. Naphtha evaporates faster than mineral spirits and is "drier," that is, less oily. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations Date of issue: 05/03/2018 Revision date: 05/03/2018 Supersedes: 10/28/2015 Version: 1.2 Toluene. look at Appendix G. The modified form I found in a paper by John Barry in CEP magazine. These solvents are removed from mineral spirits and naphtha at refineries and sold separately as oil and grease removers. A drop pf liquid toluene is kept at a uniform temperature (T) of {eq}25.9^oC{/eq}, and it is suspended in air by a fine wire at 1 atmosphere pressure (P).The initial radius of the drop ({eq}r_1 . Estimate the. In contrast to decane, the ratio between toluene vapor pressures at 20 and 10°C may be used to predict the removal of toluene by evaporation during the above-mentioned . Soc., 1929, 51, 2738. SCAQMD method 313 (M313). For that reason, it doesn't matter to which carbon the methyl . MORE. [39], Several types of fungi including Cladophialophora, Exophiala, Leptodontium, Pseudeurotium zonatum, and Cladosporium sphaerospermum, and certain species of bacteria can degrade toluene using it as a source of carbon and energy. TotalBoat Eco Solvent is a safer and more effective surface prep solvent wipe, cleaner, and degreaser that can be used in place of toxic, hazardous, petroleum-based solvents like acetone, MEK, xylene, and toluene. The rate of ideal evaporation, J, in a vacuum, as a function of temperature, is best described using the Langmuir equation: 2. [21], Toluene can be prepared by a variety of methods. Naphtha is therefore better for cleaning all types of oily, greasy or waxy surfaces. In this study, we investigated the in vivo effect of toluene using female Wistar rats. Or are xylene, toluene or other solvents having more of a major play in a . Couldn't I get a specific evaporation rate, viscosity, sprayability, VOC's, etc. Light oil from coal contains 12-20% toluene; crude oil contains 1.2-2.4% and auto fuel contains 8-12% (3). [16][17][18] Because the methyl group has greater electron-releasing properties than a hydrogen atom in the same position, toluene is more reactive than benzene toward electrophiles. Toluene (data page) Jump to navigation Jump to search. Vapor Pressure Calculator. The rates for pure toluene and mesitylene solutions are approximate extrapolations based on a few recorded data points. Inhaled vapour may also lead to other long term health implications depending on the toxicity of the chemical. Inhaling high levels of toluene in a short time may cause light-headedness, nausea, or sleepiness, unconsciousness, and even death. It undergoes sulfonation to give p-toluenesulfonic acid, and chlorination by Cl2 in the presence of FeCl3 to give ortho and para isomers of chlorotoluene. J.ABLE I Allohatlc Hexanes Heptane Octane Aromatic Benzene Toluene Xylenes Alcohols Methanol N-propanol N-pentanol Acetone MEK 2-octanone The basic experimental protocol Involved measuring liquid evaporation rate at three conditions of air velocity, and three conditions of air temperature, ihe base chamber was controlled to the same temperature .

A large open tank with a 5-ft diameter contains toluene. Secondly, a high evaporation rate creates significant product wastage. 24 Nov 04 10:53. Toluene occurs naturally at low levels in crude oil and is a byproduct in the production of gasoline by a catalytic reformer or ethylene cracker. hޔ�� Toluene is typically used in a mixture with other solvents and chemicals such as paint pigments. Vapor pressure : 0.03 mm Hg (at 25 C) Relative vapor density at 20 °C : 6 (Air = 1) Relative density : No data available Solubility : No data available Log Pow : No data available Auto-ignition temperature : > 600 °C In paints and coatings, solvents are majorly used to dissolve or disperse various components used in the formulation. CAS No. Toluene reacts as a normal aromatic hydrocarbon in electrophilic aromatic substitution. (°C) Gas pressure (psi) Approx. It is widely used as a solvent in place of Toluene to thin oil-based paint, lacquer, varnish, adhesives and enamel when a slower rate of evaporation is desired.

The exposure was either unventilated or ventilated with various flow rates.

I do not understand what it means, how I can compare the two . Safety Data Sheets: An evaporation rate is the rate at which a material will vaporize (evaporate, change from liquid to vapor) compared to the rate of vaporization of a specific known material. Grade For HPLC & UV Spectroscopy . Chem. Evaporation Rate (n-butyl acetate = 1): 2.4 pH : N/A Log Pow (n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient): N/D Solubility in Water : Negligible Viscosity : 0.65 cSt (0.65 mm2/sec) at 25C Oxidizing Properties: See Hazards Identification Section.

Evaporation Rate: 2.4 (Butyl acetate = 1) Viscosity: 0.59 cPs @ 20°C Boiling Point: 111°C (232°F) Freezing/Melting Point:-95°C (-139°F) Decomposition Temperature: Not available Solubility in water: Insoluble. Alternatives to toluene also provide a safe atmosphere for those that utilize these types of chemicals on a regular basis. The influence of forced ventilation on the percutaneous absorption of butanol and toluene was studied in vitro. Toluene (/ ˈ t ɒ l. j u ˌ i n /), also known as toluol (/ ˈ t ɒ l. j u ˌ ɒ l,-ˌ ɔː l,-ˌ oʊ l /), is a substituted aromatic hydrocarbon.It is a colorless, water-insoluble liquid with the smell associated with paint thinners.It is a mono-substituted benzene derivative, consisting of a methyl group (CH 3) attached to a phenyl group.As such, its systematic IUPAC name is methylbenzene. Nitration of toluene give mono-, di-, and trinitrotoluene, all of which are widely used. The extent of toluene substitution has not been determined. People inhale toluene-containing products (e.g., paint thinner, contact cement, model glue, etc.) First-aid measures General Advice If symptoms persist, call a physician. [40], Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, "Toluene Toxicity, Background, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology", "Examen des produits provenant du traitement de la résine dans la fabrication du gaz pour l'éclairage", "Examen des produits provenant du traitement de la résine dans la fabrication du gaz pour l'éclairage,", "Recherches sur les résines. Evaporation rate 2.24 Vapour pressure [20°C] 22 @ 2°C Vapour pressure mm/Hg 22 @ 20C . CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not listed as a carcinogen by OSHA, NTP or IARC. Toluene may also be brominated by treating it with HBr and H2O2 in the presence of light.[19].

Toluene and xylene differ in their degree of methyl-substitution. At the ventilated exposure the skin absorption of all solvents . ���J�+l�}m�~^|�@�� ���B�g�J��~$����ǒ�K�����Ф�M�m� '�x� endstream endobj 1 0 obj <> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream It is also a byproduct of the production of coke from coal. The ventilation rate in the area is 120 ft 3 /min, the ambient temperature was 90 0 F, pressure was 1 atm, molecular weight of toluene is 92 lbm/lbm-mole and the ideal gas constant is .73ft3atm/lb-mol o R. (a) Calculate the concentration of toluene vapor in the enclosure. MSDS sheets. This page provides supplementary chemical data on toluene. [21], Toluene can be used as an octane booster in gasoline fuels for internal combustion engines as well as jet fuel. , The heat capacity of toluene from 14 deg K to 298 deg K. the entropy and the free energy of formation., J. The methyl group in toluene undergoes deprotonation only with very strong bases, its pKa is estimated to be approximately 41. Dichloromethane 40 10 35 Hexane 55 10 23 Acetone 55 10 27 Methanol 50 12 70 Acetonitrile 50 12 75 Toluene 50 10 90 Water 90 18 120 TurboVap® II for its intoxicating effect. In addition, there existed an optimal water content (15%) under which the maximum volatilization rate could be achieved. The same conversion can be effected with elemental bromine in the presence of UV light or even sunlight. This paper investigated the effects of the rate of solvent removal by varying the ambient pressure at a fixed temperature on the morphology, particle size, encapsulation efficiency and release pattern of albumin-loaded PLLA and PDLLA microspheres, prepared by the W/O/W emulsion-solvent evaporation p … H��VKo�0��W�܃CRG�0`C�b����Dҡ�a�dK���s�C��>}�d���� �G@Kp�7��AB���`qyMp�3�^�:��%�gxJ�o���� ��7x�:�i� �魶��1\ .�t�+=��"7>��`�0�2uXhyٴ�]�1ؤ���̤��/�tT���P��j��l]hp�z/��3S Toluene at 100% can be used as a fuel for both two-stroke and four-stroke engines; however, due to the density of the fuel and other factors, the fuel does not vaporize easily unless preheated to 70 °C (158 °F). Hello Everybody, I am working on powder deposition with a solvent which evaporates. [38] In 2005 the European Union banned the general sale of products consisting of greater than 0.5% toluene. Toluene CAS Number: 108-88-3 Specifications Limits Density @ 15 ° C 0.871 kg/L Coefficient of Cubic Expansion @ 20C 11 10^-4/C Refractive Index @ 20° C 1.497 Colour +30 Saybolt Distillation - Initial Boiling Point 110 C Distillation - Dry Point 111 C Relative Evaporation Rate (nBuAc=1) 1.9 Relative Evaporation Rate (Ether=1) 6 Antoine . Relative Evaporation Rate (nBuAc=1) - ASTM D3539 0.20 Relative Evaporation Rate (Ether=1) - DIN 53170 50 Antoine Constant A # kPa, °C - 6.74780 Antoine Constant B # kPa, °C - 1912.9 Antoine Constant C # kPa, °C - 240.330 Antoine Constants: Temperature range °C - + 20 to +160 Vapor Pressure @ 0°C kPa Calculated 0.06 . application/pdf

[20] Complete hydrogenation of toluene gives methylcyclohexane. Evaporation Rate 2.4 (Butyl acetate = 1.0) Flammability (solid,gas) Not applicable Flammability or explosive limits Upper 7.1 vol % Lower 1.1 vol % Vapor Pressure 29 mbar @ 20 °C Vapor Density 3.1 Specific Gravity 0.866 Solubility Insoluble in water Partition coefficient; n-octanol/water No data available Autoignition Temperature 535 °C / 995 °F TOLUENE SPECIALLY DRIED AR Methylbenzene. It is the same process where any surface molecules get enough energy from the jostling of its neighbours, both inside the solid and from th. Toluene is a component of cigarette smoke (2). Evaporation Rate 2.24 compared to Butyl acetate VOC 100 (%) Solubility in Water 5.1 mg/100 mL at 20°C 10.

However, studies reporting its effects on ovarian function are still limited. Therefore, the evaporation mass rate obtained was 6.00 kg/s in cold seasons, which was lower than that in warm seasons. If the ventilation rate is 3000 ft3/min, estimate the. concentration of toluene in the workplace enclosure. This quantity is a ratio, therefore it is unitless. Adobe PDF Library 10.1 The ventilation rate is 2.84 m3/min, the temperature is 27 °C, and the pressure is 1 atm. 00327. In the table and figure below, Solvent evaporation rate data for Estasol ™ is compared to other conventional solvents used in the coatings, inks and cleaning industries. Typical catalysts include cobalt or manganese naphthenates. Chem. [28] Inhalation of toluene in low to moderate levels can cause tiredness, confusion, weakness, drunken-type actions, memory loss, nausea, loss of appetite, hearing loss,[29][30] and colour vision loss. Article No. [ all data ] Tsonopoulos and Ambrose, 1995 00328. Even though its evaporation is slower than Toluene, it is too fast for most brush applications. [31] Some of these symptoms usually disappear when exposure is stopped. [36] Additionally, toluene has been shown to display antidepressant-like effects in rodents in the forced swim test (FST) and the tail suspension test (TST),[36] likely due to its NMDA antagonist properties.

General usage: The mass of material that evaporates from a surface per unit time (examples: 3 grams per square meter per hour, 1 inch per acre per month). [27], The environmental and toxicological effects of toluene have been extensively studied. Toluene vapor has a sharp or sweet odor, which is a sign of exposure. Esters & Derivatives and other solvents Evaporation rate Butyl Acetate =100 Molecular Weight Ethyl Di Glycol Acetate <1 176 Ethylene Glycol Diacetate <1 146 Thus, for a two-component mix- ture (1 + 2) the total rate of evaporation at the instant of injection of pulse number k, vk, is given by: vk = vm) + vk (2) (3) The mass of component 1 remaining in the liquid mixture at . Toluene - aka Toluol - features maximum solvency and faster evaporation than the competition, and is often specified by paint manufacturers as a thinner for specialty coatings. If accessible, a rotary evaporator is a good . Repeatedly breathing large amounts of toluene as when "sniffing glue" or paint can cause permanent brain damage. Xylene solvent is a clear, colorless liquid aromatic hydrocarbon. AB - Experiments were performed to investigate the evaporation of liquid water from a partially filled, open-topped cylindrical container situated in the lower wall of a flat, rectangular duct. The color of the toluene solution of C60 is bright purple. Importantly, the methyl side chain in toluene is susceptible to oxidation.

Specific Gravity/Density: 0.867 Molecular Formula: C6H5CH3 Molecular Weight: 92.14 Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity Chemical . Final separation and purification is done by any of the distillation or solvent extraction processes used for BTX aromatics (benzene, toluene, and xylene isomers). 3 Effective date : 01.31.2015 Page 2 of 8 Toluene, Reagent Grade Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

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