pisces rising astrology

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9. Mai 2017

Alexander Graham Bell (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Gemini)

This book brings to the fore not only the rationality of astrology but also the nature and structure of the correct knowledge that our forefathers possessed regarding the predictable influences of planets on human beings, and gives a ... Your Neptune is in Pisces as well: There is a deeply spiritual or religious impulse in your generation, which in some way you embody or personify. This is due to the action of the esoteric ruler of the Fish, Pluto. Bringing inspirational dreams to others is a part of your function. Mars is the planet of our need to individualize and carve a path for ourselves.

Their eyes are big and dreamy, with long eye lashes.
Alexander (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Scorpio) The native is intelligent and influential. Astrology in Depth condenses almost every astrology book on western astrology ever printed. With this book, you will easily understand the concepts of astrology and can put them to use immediately. Your Jupiter is in Aquarius, sign of innovation, invention, and humanitarian idealism. Such people prey on your emotions and end up acting like leeches on your soul. Your mind gets swayed with ease and this makes you look inconsistent before your peers. There is nothing you can do about it because you look at things from an ever-inspired perspective. Since they change their minds frequently enough, and like to “feel” their way through life, too much organization or structure can be seen as very limiting. You are also “dreamy” most of the time and walk with this state into conversations. You often morph into a new mask to match the company, with this changeable rising.You are impressionable and easily overwhelmed by stronger personalities. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Excerpt: "As you grow more intuitive and imaginative during the eclipse period, you become inspired to pursue greener pastures, either in a new career or a brand new field of study .. ." Let this book shine a light on how the stars can reveal a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Both their appearance and mannerisms are usually quite intriguing to others. Moveable Cancer, Fixed Scorpio and Dual-natured Pisces. They won’t put much thought into it. Many of them range under the short – middle size build. You can see examples of the Weekly + Monthly ones below. In the context of others, the struggle now is to present an honest, consistent…. It signifies profound sensitivity and sympathy towards friends, family, and colleagues. As you begin to listen more deeply, you find that your role is that of mediator between the seen and unseen worlds. Perhaps we find ourselves looking back, wondering about past choices. Rising Sign (Ascendant) is the sign on the cusp of the first house of the natal chart. Its significance rests on showing the relationship between your inner self and physical body. Others are not always sure who they’ll meet from one day to the next with a Pisces rising person. Pisces rising sign will develop their astrological technique considerably, due to the very precise way in which the two elements of the chart emerge in this combination. Your Jupiter in the earthy sign of Taurus gives you an instinctive appreciation for the deep human need for pleasure, security, and the simple, basic “good things” of the earth. Your feeling for beauty, the arts, and the spirit of creativity runs deep and is a key aspect of your life purpose. By nature you are unselfish and giving, and must learn your limits and when to say no. Similarly, a person with a Pisces Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will “behave” differently than someone with a Pisces Ascendant who does not have that aspect in their natal charts. Dean Martin (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Taurus) Rulers of the Horoscope: Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth. Sagittarius Sun Pisces Rising. If you are a Pisces ascendant, you find yourself giving your all in a relationship. You are a master when it comes to adapting even in the work environment. Fearless, radical, and fresh, Sparkly Kat's Postcolonial Astrology ushers in a new wave of astrology revival, refusing to apologize for its magickism and connecting its power to the spirituality and politics we need now. The Pisces rising is kind, receptive, and sometimes lost-looking. Pisces Ascendant or Rising Sign i s the mutable water sign of the zodiac. – Planetary Positions Calculations/Report, Pisces Ascendant (Rising Sign) description. The Moon in Pisces squares Venus and the South Node. George Clooney (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Aquarius) The elevation of Pisces is not for an emotional type of person, because there is a powerfully important side that will develop principally in the individual's reaction to a . The persona of Pisces Ascendant spreads and can change very quickly too. The book is intended to meet this challenge. What could you gather from this book and what knowledge is there in your stock, kindly acknowledge by writing them down to me. They can be easily misled. Pisces Ascendant Personality Traits: Pisces ascendant individuals come across as shy, sensitive and compassionate. These people look for a stable partnership–one that is reliable. Because you have an easy-to-approach aura, many people get attracted to you. They move about the world in a vaguely directionless, gentle manner. They see the inner personalities of people. With the help of this book, common people will be able to know their future and they can also foretell the future of their near and dear ones. Pisces Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: “You are a gentle, sensitive person with a deep understanding of people and a very tolerant, accepting, nonjudgmental approach towards life. They seem to need a practical, realistic partner. Phylicia Rashad (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Sagittarius) They are hugely impressionable, have a dreamy disposition, and project a soft-hearted personality. Oli and Alex is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. - The world of the imagination is much more real a place to escape to when the world becomes too harsh.

Self education will be an important part of your life, and you will share the information you gather. You need peaceful surroundings in order to flourish, and periods of quiet solitude are essential for your emotional balance and well-being. Nicole Brown Simpson (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Scorpio). Discover: - the many ways that astrology can help you - how to read and understand your chart, with a free personalized chart provided online for every reader - the talents and challenges you were born with - how to make simple predictions ... Dreams of a perfect society (a Utopia or Shangri-Lai) shape your generation, and in some way you are to embody or express these ideals. The type is not always the most comfortable in social situations and tends to quickly adapt. Pisces Rising natives show courtesy and kindness in large proportions. Pisces Ascendant people are focused on enriching their life by exploring their spirituality and expanding their mental horizons. A Pisces Ascendant indicates individuals with flexible personalities, that is, they can easily hide their own traits and take on the characteristics of others. This readiness to act is also rare among natives of the Scorpio Moon house. Discrimination and self-discipline are not your strong points. Certainly, mutable means changeable and water can change its form in many ways: rain, hail, snow, mist . When any of these signs gets placed in the ascendant, it creates a powerful personality with typical attributes. The rising sign is indicative of an automatic, natural reaction to new people. Superficial glamour or self-worship can cloud your true spark. Another great character with a Pisces Rising is that they have sensitive spirits. Pisces Rising natives can also investigate other people’s pain. Since the Pisces Rising brings the best of artistry, it is no surprise that there’s a long list of stars as its natives. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Pisces - Meena . Your Neptune is in Aries: Ideals of heroic courage and dreams of a powerful leader underlie your generation. Try to overcome a tendency toward lack of self discipline, restlessness, and living in the clouds. This makes them good managers as well. That is why you do so much better when you keep away from mind-altering substances. You have entered an incorrect email address! If I wrote your chart, there is a graphic at the beginning of this Natal Chart that will show you where your Ascendant is located. There is also a calling for self sacrifice or self martyrdom. Unable to take definite action, reluctant to define personal boundaries, and being deliberately evasive and hard to figure out, there’s a tendency to be somewhat passive and a willingness to let things resolve or work themselves out in their own way. A Pisces Rising appearance comes from Pisces, the 12 th in the Zodiac sign. When highly developed, this can be a gift of seeing into the potential of another person, looking beyond the restrictions of the projected personality…It may also represent the talent to identify and bring forth the spiritual truth from the most common of life’s circumstances. In fact, reading Astrological Revelations About You is like having a private consultation with Sydney Omarr. Each comprehensive horoscope reveals your complete astrological profile¾but this book does even more. This involves your appearance and attitude to great lengths. They don’t shake when faced with uncertainties. Pisces is the 12 th sign of Zodiac. You overlook and make excuses for other peoples’ weaknesses, and for your own as well. The perfect man for her will be successful, determined and strong like a rock. You are a builder, and have a gift for stone, wood, natural fibers, clay, food, or the earth itself – and also with money. Pisces rising people walk around with their heads in the clouds, and even when you do have their attention, their dreaminess is almost always apparent. As much you had utmost sincerity when committing, you somehow get detached. We are more familiar with our rising sign and tend to experience the descendant sign through other people—opposites attract. You bring confidence and ooze out the charm from the sheer virtue of your existence. Though the person may be as intelligent as anybody else, it is difficult to have a logical approach toward life. Pisces has a highly emotional nature, with a quiet, shy personality. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Capricorn. On the brighter side, this should show you how quite impressionable these natives are. As a child, the type may have got quite upset whenever others were hurt physically or emotionally. I was told I was born between 5-7 pm.. 5pm Aquarius rising, 6 pm Pisces rising, and 7pm Aries rising.. Moon in 11th house for Pisces ascendant is in the sign of Capricorn and represents creativity, art, expression, fame, recognition, properties, assets, foreign lands and psychological issues. In these works he shares his knowledge with us all, covering such subjects as: · The personality and psychology of the signs. · Helpful hints on raising the children of each sign. · Health and the zodiac. · Flower remedies and tissue ... It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Your rising sign is your persona, your appearance, and mannerisms, the way you make your way in the world, how you appear to others, and often your hidden talents.

Your sign is associated with the feet.
Nolan Ryan (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Scorpio) A romantic and an idealistic, you take life as it comes without asking too many questions. Be careful, however—people may hide behind an ascendant "mask", while the moon sign is a more accurate expression of one's true personality in relationships. This sign also represents philanthropic . These folks are selfless, spiritual, and very focused on their inner . They move about the world in a vaguely directionless, gentle manner. You get attracted to open emotions and appreciate sincere intimacy when offered one. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. Your actions are guided by your intuition rather than reasoning, it's why you often act on momentary whims. The Pisces Rising is kind, benevolent, and sometimes absent or zoned out. Anyone with significant points in the sign of the Fishes is gentle, sensitive, deep, understanding, and has a very tolerant, non-judgmental approach towards life. You must in some way embody this creative spirit, which is not to be confused with the ego’s need to dazzle and to be thought special. If forgiveness is heavenly and leads to earthly peace, then freedom-loving Sagittarius with delicate, kind-hearted, and whimsical Pisces rising is a good match. If you are a Taurus interested in learning more about your sign, or if you know a Taurus and want to know more about them, then this is the book for you. Click the "add to cart" button to discover new insights and secrets about the Taurus Your Neptune is in Gemini: Fantasy, imagination, images and dreams expressed through the written or spoken word is suggested here. Or to a strong ocean current rising from the depth to break over a rocky shore. The members can also choose to increase their levels of inspiration at will. In these works he shares his knowledge with us all, covering such subjects as: · The personality and psychology of the signs. · Helpful hints on raising the children of each sign. · Health and the zodiac. · Flower remedies and tissue ... Herbie Hancock (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Aries) A Pisces Rising appearance comes from Pisces, the 12th in the Zodiac sign. Your Jupiter in the fiery sign of Aries infuses you with vital creative energy and a gift for luck in speculative ventures, initiating new enterprises, and original endeavors of all kinds. Learn to ground your dreams in everyday life. This is your motto for this particular house. More on Pisces Ascendant, Pisces Rising Sign. Pisces and Libra, two dreamers, don't always have their feet on the ground as they always in search of the ideal. There are times when people just can’t identify with the attributes of their Sun or Moon sign. You will find on these pages all the horoscopes with the 1st House in Pisces.. Just click on the celebrities of your choice to get their horoscope, planetary dominants and excerpts of astrological portrait. You understand that human emotion is a brittle substance and would do everything to guard it. A Spiritual Interpretation of Pisces Rising. From the direction of the two fish, you’re always ready to change should the need arise. Laura Dern (Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in Cancer) Their body makeup does not scream too much presence as one would assume based on their attitude. Your Jupiter in Sagittarius suggests that you are restless and have a deep affinity for faraway places. The other three are the Descendant (directly opposite the . Aries is a cardinal sign where Pisces is a mutable sign. PISCES - "I BELIEVE, THEREFORE I AM". This can lead to vagueness, uncertainty, and confusion on your part – or to a very flexible and holistic way of approaching any issue.”, Jason Most of them have a pale complexion on their faces that also always appear “fleshy” or full. You also love partners who you can rely upon without altering your nature.

How a Pisces Rising person looks: When ascending, gives a small stature, fleshy, weak and tired. Someone with ill motives can take advantage of your sweet nature. Sagittarius (10 am - 12 pm) Sagittarius people are creative and passionate about Pisces people, and the boost of imagination that they get when born under Pisces ascendant sign is sure to help them out in many areas of their life. They could have gorgeous dreamy eyes or even seem half asleep! The native works hard and gets association from foreign countries. This is the winning disposition tempered by the peace-making "cosmic traveler.". These are all mutable signs so it won't feel as contentious as, say, a square in fixed signs. Walks with a waddling gait. Piscean are confident, loyal, home-loving, kind and generous. I really wanna go with the Pisces rising because I know I can be very shy and quiet when meeting new people, I get influenced pretty easily, I do daydream a lot and always picking up on other people . Brown hair and water colored eyes. Scorpio tends to be darker in the eyes and skin, and Mars' health determines the muscular size. The world of your imagination and fantasy was also very real to you, a place to escape to when the outer world became too harsh, demanding, or simply uninteresting. It is because they understand feelings and emotions on another level. If your rising sign is Pisces, you come across as genuine and friendly, as well as highly creative and modest. Posted on November 17, 2010 By astrologyplace. Their empathy makes them great artists. Their construct is such that they will sacrifice themselves for you. You are also very compassionate and cannot tolerate seeing any fellow creature suffer – be it human, animal, or even plant! You certainly recognize that there is much more to life than can be explained intellectually and categorized into neat little boxes, and you have an open, receptive attitude toward such areas as psychic phenomena, telepathy, parapsychology, etc. With the Piscean energy, there is a flexible personality shown and willingness to adapt to changing circumstances and demands. Those with Pisces Rising include George Clooney, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Antonio Banderas, Al Capon, Johnny Cash, Aristotle Onassis, Deepak Chopra, Alexander . Yet with this idealism comes the desire for perfection. Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and it is also the final sign in the zodiacal cycle. You also like to find out how the people around you fare in their everyday lives. The placements above are some one else and let's just say they did very bad things, especially an ex. The descendant is directly across the ascendant, and they are always in opposite signs. This unique volume of wisdom offers decades of scholarly study and practical experience in esoteric astrology, psychology, mythology, and biography and examines the underlying archetypal patterns inherent in our lives. This balances your gentle heartedness and empathy. A Pisces Rising also sacrifices their comfort to the betterment of their acquaintances. Plus, having an appreciation for what qualities, challenges, obstacles, and common characteristics are . Pisces Rising at Work. Pisces Rising / Ascendant. You seem to be . The Pisces Ascendant woman in love. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one’s environment. This constant opposition makes you always jump on the wagon that you feel attracted to at the time. And it's no longer just for the mystically inclined! Enter Knack Astrology, the most visually stunning and informative astrology book there is.

Hence, this sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven signs that have come before it. Never under estimate your own ability to make the right decision.#tarotreading #zodiac #sun #moon #rising #venus #lovereading #careerreading #moneyreading #psychic #psychicreading #pisces#cancer #Scorpio #Horoscope #Tarot #Tarotscope #Lovescope #careerscope #Tarot #Lawofattraction #Energy #Reading #Zodiac #Predictions #Libra #Gemini #Aquarius # . On the physical plane you are drawn to mediumship – your psychic senses perceive a lot that other people overlook. In the northern hemisphere, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius rise the most slowly while Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini rise most quickly. You find that you usually have a feeling about what to do in any situation, but you sometimes listen to other people instead of paying attention to your inner daemon. Find out how the stars affect your relationships. The other point of concern is that you don’t respond well to abuse. The Ascendant shows an individual’s first, natural reaction to new people and situations. If you are a Pisces Rising, you will find yourself always drawn to others based on a sincere intention. It plays a big role in determining how you manifest yourself. Pisces rising brings you a touch of spontaneity. In effect Pisces is like Scorpio, a . They tend to give precedence to emotion over reason. Pisces Ascendants often have a sensitivity to drugs, and sometimes are prone to allergies that come and go. There are two types of Daily Horoscope (one done for your sign/rising sign and one calculated from your unique birth chart), Weekly Horoscopes and the Monthly Horoscopes. Things will be changing during this phase.

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