florida insurance company code the general

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9. Mai 2017

82-243; s. 2, ch. 2, 3, ch. 2008-220.

28, 187, 188, ch. All fines collected under this section shall be paid to the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation serve as one of several providers of services to children eligible for medical assistance under Title XXI of the Social Security Act. Email: agentlicensing@myfloridacfo.com. 2, 3, ch. An authorized control level event is sufficient ground for the department to be appointed as receiver as provided in chapter 631. 91-108; s. 4, ch. The physician employer enters into a contract to render medical services to the arrangement’s plan participants.

s. 1, ch. After you've looked through the various deals, you can then purchase and even manage your policy completely online with a few clicks of the mouse!

The ratio of premiums earned to losses incurred by line of insurance.

A church benefits board may provide certificates or agreements of participation and debentures and indemnification agreements to its program participants as appropriate to accomplish its purposes, may act as trustee under a lawful trust committed to it by contract, will, or otherwise, and may act as agent for the performance of a lawful act relating to the purposes of the trust. Any such deposit made in this state shall be held for the protection of the insurer’s policyholders or policyholders and creditors in the United States and shall be subject to the applicable provisions of part III of chapter 625 and chapter 630. s. 56, ch. 88-116; ss.

A “domestic” insurer is one formed under the laws of this state. If a plan or program under this act contains a provision prohibiting assignment or other transfer by a beneficiary of money or benefits to be paid or rendered or of other rights under the plan or program without the written consent of the church benefits board, a prohibited assignment or transfer or an attempt to make a prohibited assignment or transfer is void if made without that consent. Any individual who willfully obstructs the department, the office, or the examiner in the examinations or investigations authorized by this part is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in s. 624.15. This notification constitutes a regulatory action level event with respect to the insurer, unless the insurer challenges the determination under subsection (7); If, under subsection (7), the insurer challenges a determination by the office under subparagraph 6., the notification by the office to the insurer that the office has, after a hearing, rejected the challenge; Notification by the office to the insurer that the insurer has failed to adhere to its risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan, but only if this failure has a substantial adverse effect on the ability of the insurer to eliminate the company action level event in accordance with its risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan and the office has so stated in the notification, unless the insurer challenges the determination under subsection (7); or.

2, 3, ch. Has been determined by either the office or the Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to meet such standards of financial condition and standing as are considered necessary and appropriate to regulate the quality of financial institutions whose letters of credit will be acceptable to the office.

More ›. 99-357; s. 20, ch. If credit is allowed for reinsurance ceded to the assuming insurer pursuant to: Subparagraph (a)1., the assuming insurer must maintain a minimum solvency or capital ratio specified in the applicable covered agreement. 91-429. Duly certified or authenticated reproductions of such photographs, microphotographs, or other reproductions from an electronic recordkeeping system shall be as admissible in evidence as the originals.

2003-261. “Affiliated party” means any person who directs or participates in the conduct of the affairs of a licensee and who is: A director, officer, employee, trustee, committee member, or controlling stockholder of a licensee or a subsidiary or service corporation of the licensee, other than a controlling stockholder which is a holding company, or an agent of a licensee or a subsidiary or service corporation of the licensee; A person who has filed or is required to file a statement or any other information required to be filed under s. 628.461 or s. 628.4615; A stockholder, other than a stockholder that is a holding company of the licensee, who participates in the conduct of the affairs of the licensee; Renders a written opinion required by the laws of this state under her or his professional credentials on behalf of the licensee, which opinion is reasonably relied on by the department or office in the performance of its duties; or. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 90-366; ss. 54, 64, 809(1st), ch.

Notice to comply with written requirements of office; noncompliance. 2004-370; s. 150, ch.

Claims Intern. 5, 187, 188, ch. 69-196; s. 1, ch. 91-429; s. 268, ch. 21, 37, 809(1st), 811, ch.

69-106; s. 3, ch. A foreign insurer with surplus as to policyholders of more than $10 million according to its latest annual statement shall not be required to make a deposit under this subsection.

If process is served upon the Chief Financial Officer as an insurer’s process agent, the insurer is not required to answer or plead except within 20 days after the date upon which the Chief Financial Officer sends or makes available by other verifiable means a copy of the process served upon her or him as required by subsection (1).

187, 188, ch. 88-166; s. 192, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. The board of directors shall determine the number of staff members necessary to administer the corporation. The kinds of insurance initially proposed to be transacted and a copy of each policy, endorsement, and application form it initially proposes to issue or use.

For all insurers other than mortgage guaranty insurers, life insurers, and life and health insurers, 10 percent of the insurer’s total liabilities.

Premiums, contributions, and assessments received by a commercial self-insurance fund are subject to ss. 77-457; ss. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 25, 187, 188, ch. The registrant shall report any change in information required by subsection (2) to the office in writing within 60 days after the change occurs.

87-99; s. 197, ch. The trustees selected shall be owners, partners, officers, directors, or employees of one or more employers in the arrangement. 96-406; s. 858, ch.

Each authorized insurer shall, pursuant to s. 409.2561(5)(c), notify the Medicaid agency of a cancellation or discontinuance of a policy within 30 days if the insurer received notification from the Medicaid agency to do so. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 89-167; s. 96, ch. 2003-261; s. 105, ch. PGAC, along with Permanent General Assurance Company of Ohio, and The General Auto Insurance Company, is a subsidiary under the Peapack Gladstone Financial (PGC) Holding Corporation umbrella.

98-399; s. 11, ch.

15, 809(1st), ch.

Upon receipt of a completed registration form, the required documents, and the registration fee, the office shall issue a registration certificate.

Any project designed to provide housing opportunities for persons with special needs as defined in s. 420.0004 or to construct or rehabilitate housing for low-income or very-low-income households as defined in s. 420.9071(20) and (30) is exempt from the area requirement of this paragraph. 91-108; s. 65, ch. 2, 3, ch. 15, 809(1st), ch.

All sums received under s. 624.5091, as provided in subsection (5) thereof. s. 27, ch.

84-94; s. 1, ch.

However, the insurance coverage has to be consistently maintained from the time of renewal of the previous FL contractor license. 2003-261. Any affiliated party removed from office pursuant to this section is not eligible for reelection or appointment to the position or to any other official position in any licensee in this state except upon the written consent of the department or office. For the purposes of this section, the term “controlling capital stock” means a sufficient number of shares of the issued and outstanding capital stock of such insurer or person so as to give the owner thereof power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of such insurer or person. 91-108; s. 4, ch. Service of process; appointment of Chief Financial Officer as process agent. Date Posted. 91-108; s. 4, ch. Insurance against any kinds of loss or damage to: Vessels, craft, aircraft, cars, automobiles, and vehicles of every kind, as well as all goods, freights, cargoes, merchandise, effects, disbursements, profits, moneys, bullion, precious stones, securities, choses in action, evidences of debt, valuable papers, bottomry and respondentia interests and all other kinds of property and interests therein, in respect to, appertaining to, or in connection with any and all risks or perils of navigation, transit, or transportation, including war risks, on or under any seas or other waters, on land or in the air, or while being assembled, packed, crated, baled, compressed, or similarly prepared for shipment or while awaiting the same or during any delays, storage, transshipment, or reshipment incident thereto, including marine builder’s risks and all personal property floater risks; and, Person or property in connection with or appertaining to a marine, inland marine, transit, or transportation insurance, including liability for loss of or damage to either, arising out of or in connection with the construction, repair, operation, maintenance, or use of the subject matter of such insurance, but not including life insurance or surety bonds nor insurance against loss by reason of bodily injury to the person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of automobiles; and, Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, gold, silver, and other precious metals, whether used in business or trade or otherwise and whether the same be in course of transportation or otherwise; and. However, the liability of each governmental entity member shall be limited to the obligations of the commercial self-insurance fund related to governmental entities only and shall be individual, several, and proportionate, but not joint, except as provided in this section and s. 624.474.

The office shall, within 45 days from receipt of a complete notice and all required or requested additional information, approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions the plan submitted by the insurer. In determining what rates, including credits and surcharges, are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory, the office shall apply the same standards applicable to other insurers regulated by the office. 61-75; ss. Company (6 days ago) Florida Dmv Code For Insurance 09/2021. 2004-370; s. 17, ch. Florida is one of the few states where BIL coverage is not mandatory.

For purposes of this subsection, the term “nonresident” means a trust or other entity or person as defined in subsection (8). 89-233; s. 8, ch. s. 1, ch. 91-429; s. 3, ch. Credit must be allowed when the reinsurance is ceded to an assuming insurer that is authorized to transact insurance or reinsurance in this state. The “appointment fee” portion of any appointment provided for under paragraph (7)(a) (life insurance agents, original appointment, and renewal or continuation of appointment).

Resignation or termination of an affiliated party does not affect the department’s or office’s jurisdiction to proceed under this subsection. 77-457; ss. 77-237; s. 1, ch. 841347 8-30-1978 GEICO Indemnity Company No. 77-457; s. 21, ch.

85-245; s. 5, ch.

“Affiliated person” of another person means: The parents of the other person and their lineal descendants, or the parents of the other person’s spouse and their lineal descendants; A person who directly or indirectly owns or controls, or holds with the power to vote, 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of the other person; A person, 10 percent or more of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned or controlled, or held with power to vote, by the other person; A person or group of persons who directly or indirectly control, are controlled by, or are under common control with the other person; An officer, director, partner, copartner, or employee of the other person; If the other person is an investment company, an investment adviser of such company, or a member of an advisory board of such company; If the other person is an unincorporated investment company not having a board of directors, the depositor of such company; or.

85-212; ss. On or before March 1 in each year, an annual return shall be filed showing, by quarters, the gross amount of receipts taxable for the preceding year and the installment payments made during that year. After the examination report has been filed pursuant to subsection (1), the department or office may publish the results of any such examination in one or more newspapers published in this state whenever it deems it to be in the public interest. An insurer is deemed to have ceded substantially all of its direct and assumed business to a pool if the insurer has less than $1 million in total direct and assumed written premiums during a calendar year which are not subject to a pooling arrangement and if the net income of the business which is not subject to the pooling arrangement represents less than 5 percent of the insurer’s capital and surplus. 2001-142; s. 773, ch. Any changes in the constitution, bylaws, or trust agreement of the fund. 2003-261; s. 4, ch. 524210 - Insurance Agencies and Brokerages. 76-168; s. 1, ch. An insurer claiming a credit against premium tax liability under this section is not required to pay any additional retaliatory tax levied under s. 624.5091 as a result of claiming such credit. Written notice shall be provided to the office before changing the fund’s method of fulfilling its servicing requirements. Work papers held by the department or office are confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. A statement by the actuary that the report is complete and accurate and that in her or his opinion the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable and meet the requirements of this subsection. 91-108; s. 91, ch. 187, 188, ch.

Confidentiality of proprietary business and other information. 2004-390. The balance of the tax shall be credited to the General Fund.

Whenever any affiliated party is charged with a felony in a state or federal court or with the equivalent of a felony in the courts of any foreign country with which the United States maintains diplomatic relations, and the charge alleges violation of any law involving fraud, theft, or moral turpitude, the department or office may enter an emergency order suspending the affiliated party or restricting or prohibiting participation by the affiliated party in the affairs of the particular licensee or of any other licensee upon service of the order upon the licensee and the affiliated party charged. The assuming insurer shall submit to examination of its books and records by the office and bear the expense of examination.

The identity and address of the regulatory authority exercising oversight of the insurer. Tax on premiums, contributions, and assessments. 2003-267; s. 9, ch. An insurer may request the office to waive this prohibition based upon an unusual hardship to the insurer and a determination that the accountant is exercising independent judgment that is not unduly influenced by the insurer considering such factors as the number of partners, expertise of the partners or the number of insurance clients of the accounting firm; the premium volume of the insurer; and the number of jurisdictions in which the insurer transacts business. 120.569 and 120.57. Continuing requirements for certificate of authority. 91-429; s. 795, ch. 187, 188, ch. 2014-17; s. 280, ch. Notwithstanding the requirement of the fund to make an assessment pursuant to subsection (1) or subsection (3), the office may at any time request that the department be appointed receiver for purposes of rehabilitation or liquidation if it is able to demonstrate that any grounds for rehabilitation or liquidation exist pursuant to s. 631.051 or s. 631.061. s. 34, ch. 77-457; ss. UNLICENSED INSURANCE PERSONNEL: 69O-228: CONTINUING EDUCATION: 69O-230: GENERAL ETHICS AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS: 69O-231: PENALTY GUIDELINES FOR INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVES: 69O-235: SALE OF NON-INSURANCE PRODUCTS BY INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVES: 69O-236: Annual Report Card: 69O-237: Cover Florida Health Care Access Program: 69O-238: Pharmacy . If, at the end of any fiscal year, a balance of funds remains in the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund, such balance shall not revert to the general fund of the state, but shall be retained in the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to be used for the purposes for which the moneys are appropriated as set forth in subsection (2).

s. 9, ch. The office may disclose information made confidential and exempt under this section: If the insurer to which it pertains gives prior written consent; To the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline upon a request stating that the information is for the purpose of professional disciplinary proceedings and specifying procedures satisfactory to the office for preserving the confidentiality of the information; To other states, federal and international agencies, the Office of Insurance Consumer Advocate, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and its affiliates and subsidiaries, and state, federal, and international law enforcement authorities, including members of a supervisory college described in s. 628.805 if the recipient agrees in writing to maintain the confidential and exempt status of the document, material, or other information and has certified in writing its legal authority to maintain such confidentiality; or. 92-146; s. 5, ch. 88-116; ss.

76-168; s. 1, ch. 2004-390; s. 1, ch. 2011-194. 2010-4; s. 429, ch.

Agent’s appointment and biennial renewal or continuation thereof, appointment fee, Adjuster’s original appointment and biennial renewal or continuation thereof, appointment fee, Nonresident adjuster’s original appointment and biennial renewal or continuation thereof, appointment fee, Emergency adjuster’s license, appointment fee.

2021-104. Order, notice of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; effect; publication. Gov't Employees The history of performance by reinsurers in the domiciliary jurisdiction. If an amended insurance premium tax return is required under subsection (1), notwithstanding any other provision of s. 95.091(3): A notice of deficiency may be issued at any time within 3 years after the date the amended insurance premium tax return is given; or.
Prepare and disseminate information that the department deems appropriate to inform or assist consumers. 82-385; s. 8, ch.

59-205; ss.

As used in this section, the term “PPACA” has the same meaning as provided in s. 627.402. 29068.

2002-185; s. 774, ch. 2004-374. 69-106; s. 3, ch. For purposes of this subsection, “nonresident” means a trust or other entity organized and domiciled under the laws of a country other than the United States or a person who resides in and maintains a physical place of domicile in a country other than the United States, which he or she recognizes as and intends to maintain as his or her permanent home. 416 Patrons Mutual Insurance Company of CT 417 General Insurance Company of America 418 IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company 419 Citation Insurance Company, MA 420 Continental Western Insurance Company 421 Meridian Citizens Mutual Insurance Company 422 IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company (Pilgrim) 423 Glens Falls Insurance After an examination report is filed or an investigation is completed or ceases to be active, portions of work papers may remain confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art.

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