convention on international trade in endangered species pdf

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Special Rules Where appropriate and feasible a Management Authority may affix a mark upon any specimen to assist in identifying the specimen. Notable animal species listed in Appendix I include the red panda (Ailurus fulgens), western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), the chimpanzee species (Pan spp. 3. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the provisions of any domestic measures or the obligations of Parties deriving from any treaty, convention, or international agreement relating to other aspects of trade, taking, possession or transport of specimens which is in force or subsequently may enter into force for any Party including any measure pertaining to the Customs, public health, veterinary or plant quarantine fields. A specimen includes any living or dead plant or animal (or any of its parts) listed under Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of … London: Africa Resources Trust, 2000. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles III, IV and V, any export of a specimen taken in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article shall only require a certificate from a Management Authority of the State of introduction to the effect that the specimen was taken in accordance with the provisions of the other treaty, convention or international agreement in question. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival [21]. Infractions may include negligence with respect to permit issuing, excessive trade, lax enforcement, and failing to produce annual reports (the most common). 3. (d) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that an import permit has been granted for the specimen. A study conducted by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw) in 2018 revealed online sales of endangered wildlife (on the list of the global Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species) was pervasive across Europe. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was established to prevent over-exploitation of wildlife species through international trade and illegal poaching. (b) in the case of specimens of species included in Appendix II: (i) they were acquired by the owner outside his State of usual residence and in a State where removal from the wild occurred; (ii) they are being imported into the owner's State of usual residence; and. At any meeting, the Parties may determine and adopt rules of procedure for the meeting. 1. Organ, James Peek, William Porter, John Sandlos, James A. Schaefer Some people argue that this is risky as specimens from a more protected population could be 'laundered' through the borders of a Party whose population is not as strictly protected. The sixth review cycle of the Harmonized System concluded when the WCO approved recommended amendments to the Harmonized System (HS) nomenclature on June 28, 2019. At that time it entered into force only for those States that had accepted the amendment. Its Mexican population is listed in Appendix I, but its U.S. and Canadian populations are not listed (though certain U.S. populations in Arizona are nonetheless protected under the Endangered Species Act). 2. In order to ensure that the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was not violated, the Secretariat of GATT was consulted during the drafting process.

As of 2013 the demand was massive and had expanded to include thousands of species previously considered unremarkable and in no danger of extinction such as manta rays or pangolins.

Done at Washington this third day of March, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-three. CITES (shorter name for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention) is a multilateral treaty to protect endangered plants and animals. The amounts to be sold comprise approximately 44 tons from Botswana, 9 tons from Namibia, 51 tons from South Africa, and 4 tons from Zimbabwe. 4. These discussions are usually among the most contentious at CoP meetings. The MMPA was an innovative piece of legislation for the early 1970s. To the extent and in the manner he considers appropriate, he may be assisted by suitable inter-governmental or non-governmental international or national agencies and bodies technically qualified in protection, conservation and management of wild fauna and flora. (iii) the State where removal from the wild occurred requires the prior grant of export permits before any export of such specimens; unless a Management Authority is satisfied that the specimens were acquired before the provisions of the present Convention applied to such specimens. (b) the number and type of permits and certificates granted; the States with which such trade occurred; the numbers or quantities and types of specimens, names of species as included in Appendices I, II and III and, where applicable, the size and sex of the specimens in question. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. 3. This booklet describes, in a non-technical manner, some important aspects of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Imports and exports of species listed under CITES are controlled through a … Representing National Geographic's Photo Ark - a major cross-platform initiative and lifelong project by a veteran photographer to make portraits of the world's animals, especially those that are endangered - this showcase of 600 photos ... Convinced of the urgency of taking appropriate measures to this end; Have agreed as follows: For the purpose of the present Convention, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Species" means any species, subspecies, or geographically separate population thereof; (i) any animal or plant, whether alive or dead; (ii) in the case of an animal: for species included in Appendices I and II, any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof; and for species included in Appendix III, any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof specified in Appendix III in relation to the species; and. Trade with non-Party states is allowed, although permits and certificates are recommended to be issued by exporters and sought by importers. Amended at Bonn, on 22 June 1979 Amended at Gaborone, on 30 April 1983. At any time after the communication of such list, any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary Government enter a reservation with respect to any species or any parts or derivatives, and until such reservation is withdrawn, the State shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the species or part or derivative concerned. (c) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment. 4. 4. London: Earthscan, 2000. This is the first major description of the international law protecting wildlife, covering the International Conventions on, among other matters: whaling; wetlands; protection of cultural and natural heritage; international trade in ... An export permit shall contain the information specified in the model set forth in Appendix IV, and may only be used for export within a period of six months from the date on which it was granted. Innovative Legislation. Found inside – Page 303Geneva, Switzerland: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Available at: CITES (2007c). CoP14 Doc. 53.2. 2. A State party to the present Convention, which is also a party to any other treaty, convention or international agreement which is in force at the time of the coming into force of the present Convention and under the provisions of which protection is afforded to marine species included in Appendix II, shall be relieved of the obligations imposed on it under the provisions of the present Convention with respect to trade in specimens of species included in Appendix II that are taken by ships registered in that State and in accordance with the provisions of such other treaty, convention or international agreement.

(j) Provided that votes are received from one-half of the Parties, the amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties casting an affirmative or negative vote. From 2005 to 2009 the legal trade corresponded with these numbers, In the 1990s the annual trade of legal animal products was $160 billion annually. The Animals and Plants Committees have sometimes held joint meetings. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 is a key legislation for both domestic and international conservation.

An export permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met: (a) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that State for the protection of fauna and flora; and As the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011–2020 comes to a close and countries prepare to adopt a post-2020 global biodiversity framework, this edition of The State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) examines the contributions of ... 2. These activities, and all those outside Secretariat activities (training, species specific programmes such as Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants – MIKE) must find external funding, mostly from donor countries and regional organizations such as the European Union. 1. (e) The Secretariat shall communicate the replies received together with its own recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible. Countries that signed the Convention become Parties by ratifying, accepting or approving it. Each protected species or population is included in one of three lists, called appendices[11][12] (explained below). 5. Such organizations shall not exercise their right to vote if their Member States exercise theirs, and vice versa. Its aim is the implementation of one of the three …
It contains species, which import levels are monitored to determine the level of trade and any potential threat to species caused by trade.[18]. An amendment to the text of the convention, known as the Gaborone Amendment[10] allows regional economic integration organizations (REIO), such as the European Union, to have the status of a member state and to be a Party to the convention. A rescue centre as referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article means an institution designated by a Management Authority to look after the welfare of living specimens, particularly those that have been confiscated. 4. (i) Unless the Secretariat receives the votes for, against or in abstention from at least one-half of the Parties within 60 days of the date of notification under sub-paragraph (h) of this paragraph, the proposed amendment shall be referred to the next meeting of the Conference for further consideration. Any reference to “Party” in the sense used in Article I (h) of this Convention to “State”/”States” or to “State Party”/”State Parties” to the Convention shall be construed as including a reference to any regional economic integration organization having competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and application of international agreements in matters covered by this Convention. Nothing in the present Convention shall prejudice the codification and development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea convened pursuant to Resolution 2750 C (XXV) of the General Assembly of the United Nations nor the present or future claims and legal views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent of coastal and flag State jurisdiction. The present Convention shall be open indefinitely for accession. Some are also protected under the Endangered Species Act and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The next one (CoP 19) will be in Panama City, Panama, in 2022. CITES would benefit from access to Global Environment Facility (GEF), funds-although this is difficult given the GEFs more ecosystem approach-or other more regular funds. Each list submitted under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat as soon as possible after receiving it. ), tigers (Panthera tigris subspecies), Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica), leopards (Panthera pardus), jaguar (Panthera onca), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), some populations of African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana),[a] the dugong and manatees (Sirenia), and all rhinoceros species (except some Southern African subspecies populations). 3.

In addition to the measures taken under paragraph 1 of this Article, a Party may, when it deems it necessary, provide for any method of internal reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of the confiscation of a specimen traded in violation of the measures taken in the application of the provisions of the present Convention. 5. To understand what, if any, permit requirements apply to your situation you will first need to find out if the specimen is listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or is an Australian native species or confirm if it is neither. (c) For species other than marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon receiving the text of the proposed amendment, immediately communicate it to the Parties, and, as soon as possible thereafter, its own recommendations. enforcement of international agreements relating to chemical and biological weapons, hazardous chemicals, ozone -depleting chemicals, hazardous waste, and endangered species. 2. Each species extinction risk is evaluated from ‘Least Concern’ to ‘Extinct’. Specific weaknesses in the text include: it does not stipulate guidelines for the 'non-detriment' finding required of national Scientific Authorities; non-detriment findings require copious amounts of information; the 'household effects' clause is often not rigid enough/specific enough to prevent CITES violations by means of this Article (VII); non-reporting from Parties means Secretariat monitoring is incomplete; and it has no capacity to address domestic trade in listed species. 1. The previous joint meeting was held in March 2012 in Dublin, Ireland, and the latest one was held in Veracruz, Mexico, in May 2014. On 15 July 2008, the Committee of Environmental Insecticides that oversees the administration of the convention between meetings of all the Parties granted China and Japan permission to import elephant ivory from four African government stockpiles, the ivory being sold at a single auction in each country. Each Party shall maintain records of trade in specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III which shall cover: (a) the names and addresses of exporters and importers; and. The location of the next CoP is chosen at the close of each CoP by a secret ballot vote. (i) to perform any other function as may be entrusted to it by the Parties. 3. [25], Suggestions for improvement in the operation of CITES include: more regular missions by the Secretariat (not reserved just for high-profile species); improvement of national legislation and enforcement; better reporting by Parties (and the consolidation of information from all sources-NGOs, TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network and Parties); more emphasis on enforcement-including a technical committee enforcement officer; the development of CITES Action Plans (akin to Biodiversity Action Plans related to the Convention on Biological Diversity) including: designation of Scientific/Management Authorities and national enforcement strategies; incentives for reporting and timelines for both Action Plans and reporting. Thus field protection may be the primary mechanism that saved the population, but it is likely that field protection would not have been increased without CITES protection.[14]. This book provides basic material for analysing possibilities and implications of the major issues that have been the focus of the debate over its fate. Conscious of the ever-growing value of wild fauna and flora from aesthetic, scientific, cultural, recreational and economic points of view; Recognizing that peoples and States are and should be the best protectors of their own wild fauna and flora; Recognizing, in addition, that international co-operation is essential for the protection of certain species of wild fauna and flora against over-exploitation through international trade; A Party which has submitted a species for inclusion in Appendix III may withdraw it at any time by notification to the Secretariat which shall communicate the withdrawal to all Parties. When any Party receives a communication as indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall, as soon as possible, inform the Secretariat of any relevant facts insofar as its laws permit and, where appropriate, propose remedial action. The Red List reviews the regional extinction risk of 544 bird species in over 50 countries and territories in Europe and follows the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria applied at regional level[2]. For trade involving the CITES-listed commodities (e.g., logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets) of the previously listed species/populations, any pre-Convention date will be determined by the earliest listing date of the species or population in the CITES Appendices, as … European Union uses Annexes A, B, C and D instead of Appendixes 1, 2 and 3. The mix of authoritative commentary and insightful discussion will make this an essential tool for research and teaching, as well as a valuable resource for professionals and policymakers.This volume of the Elgar Encyclopedia of ... The Secretariat is administered by UNEP. (c) a Management Authority of the State of import is satisfied that the specimen is not to be used for primarily commercial purposes. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to the non-commercial loan, donation or exchange between scientists or scientific institutions registered by a Management Authority of their State, of herbarium specimens, other preserved, dried or embedded museum specimens, and live plant material which carry a label issued or approved by a Management Authority. Many worthwhile organizations also exist to protect endangered species [22]. [1], As of 2018[update], Secretary-General of the CITES Secretariat is Ivonne Higuero. The introduction from the sea of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall require the prior grant of a certificate from a Management Authority of the State of introduction. 1. The functions of the Secretariat shall be: (a) to arrange for and service meetings of the Parties; (b) to perform the functions entrusted to it under the provisions of Articles XV and XVI of the present Convention; (c) to undertake scientific and technical studies in accordance with programmes authorized by the Conference of the Parties as will contribute to the implementation of the present Convention, including studies concerning standards for appropriate preparation and shipment of living specimens and the means of identifying specimens; Wildlife in a Changing World presents an analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

4. Commercial trade in wild-caught specimens of these species is illegal (permitted only in exceptional licensed circumstances). 4. "Gaborone amendment to the text of the Convention", "Article VII: Exemptions and Other Special Provisions Relating to Trade",, "Restricting trade in endangered species can backfire, triggering market booms", "China's Rosewood Boom: A Cultural Fix to Capital Overaccumulation", "Preventing illegal wildlife trade helps avoid zoonotic diseases", CITES Profile on database of market governance mechanisms,, Treaties of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, Treaties of the People's Republic of Benin, Treaties of the military dictatorship in Brazil, Treaties of the People's Republic of China, Treaties of the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Treaties of the Hungarian People's Republic, Treaties of the People's Republic of Mozambique, Treaties of the Somali Democratic Republic, Treaties of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Treaties of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Treaties extended to the Netherlands Antilles, Treaties extended to the British Indian Ocean Territory, Treaties extended to the British Virgin Islands, Treaties extended to the Falkland Islands, Treaties extended to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Treaties extended to the Pitcairn Islands, Treaties extended to Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Treaties entered into by the European Union, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2018, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Mandatory confirmation of all permits by the Secretariat, Suspension of cooperation from the Secretariat, A visit by the Secretariat to verify capacity, Recommendations to all Parties to suspend CITES related trade with the offending party, Dictation of corrective measures to be taken by the offending Party before the Secretariat will resume cooperation or recommend resumption of trade, CITES compliance is complicated by the similarity of some banned species to permitted species, and by the diverse appearance of specimens of the same species, Oldfield, S. and McGough, N. 8.

Any Party submitting a list under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall submit to the Secretariat a copy of all domestic laws and regulations applicable to the protection of such species, together with any interpretations which the Party may deem appropriate or the Secretariat may request. Though enforcement is sporadic, it is increasing, and implementation and screening at airports for species listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has resulted in confiscation of some Egyptian tortoises intended for the illegal pet trade (Baha El Din et al 2003, p. 653). (k) The Secretariat shall notify all Parties of the result of the vote. A re-export certificate shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met: (a) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that the specimen was imported into that State in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention; (b) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment; and.
The Faroe Islands, an autonomous country in the Kingdom of Denmark, is also treated as a non-Party to CITES (both the Danish mainland and Greenland are part of CITES).[7][9]. We also assist enforcement efforts and fund antipoaching brigades. 6 At the CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Those of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe are listed in Appendix II. Our research supports sustainable management and conservation of Alaska marine species with economic and cultural benefits for the nation. Such antiques must enter through a U.S. Customs Service port. Whenever a Scientific Authority determines that the export of specimens of any such species should be limited in order to maintain that species throughout its range at a level consistent with its role in the ecosystems in which it occurs and well above the level at which that species might become eligible for inclusion in Appendix I, the Scientific Authority shall advise the appropriate Management Authority of suitable measures to be taken to limit the grant of export permits for specimens of that species. An export permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met: (a) a Scientific Authority of the State of export has advised that such export will not be detrimental to the survival of that species; (b) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that State for the protection of fauna and flora; (c) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment; and The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall require the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. 1. [3] As of 2002, 50% of Parties lacked one or more of the four major requirements for a Party: designation of Management and Scientific Authorities; laws prohibiting the trade in violation of CITES; penalties for such trade; laws providing for the confiscation of specimens.[4]. Many worthwhile organizations also exist to protect endangered species [22]. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall require the prior presentation of either an export permit or a re-export certificate. 3. The MMPA was an innovative piece of legislation for the early 1970s. Regulation of Trade in Specimens of Species Included in Appendix I. land degradation. The book concludes with outlooks on the future of international marine mammal law, particularly in light of Japan’s withdrawal from the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling in July 2019. (c) review the progress made towards the restoration and conservation of the species included in Appendices I, II and III; 6. (b) a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied that any living specimen will be so handled as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment. 79 0 obj <> endobj For these purposes "mark" means any indelible imprint, lead seal or other suitable means of identifying a specimen, designed in such a way as to render its imitation by unauthorized persons as difficult as possible. In accordance with Article XVII, paragraph 3, of the CITES Convention, the Gaborone Amendment entered into force on 29 November 2013, 60 days after 54 (two-thirds) of the 80 States that were party to CITES on 30 April 1983 deposited their instrument of acceptance of the amendment. A non-detriment finding and export permit are required by the exporting Party. Examples of species listed on Appendix II are the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), the American black bear (Ursus americanus), Hartmann's mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae), green iguana (Iguana iguana), queen conch (Strombus gigas), Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator), Mertens' water monitor (Varanus mertensi), bigleaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) and lignum vitae "ironwood" (Guaiacum officinale). 4. Appendix I, about 1,200 species, are species that are threatened with extinction and are or may be affected by trade.

hޜ�mo�0ǿʽ�^0;Σ� Each permit or certificate shall contain the title of the present Convention, the name and any identifying stamp of the Management Authority granting it and a control number assigned by the Management Authority. To understand what, if any, permit requirements apply to your situation you will first need to find out if the specimen is listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or is an Australian native species or confirm if it is neither. If a "positive list" approach were taken, only species evaluated and approved for the positive list would be permitted in trade, thus lightening the review burden for member states and the Secretariat, and also preventing inadvertent legal trade threats to poorly known species. Traveling exhibitions, such as museum or art exhibits, may include items that contain parts or products of species protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and U.S. laws including the Endangered Species Act (ESA), such as African or Asian elephant ivory. The Committee meetings take place in Geneva, Switzerland (where the Secretariat of the CITES Convention is located), unless another country offers to host the meeting.

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