consolidated appropriations act, 2021 medicaid dsh

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9. Mai 2017

Within participating districts, the pilot program shall emphasize high-need schools and within selected schools, the emphasis shall be on developing teacher candidates teaching in high-need subject areas to include, but not be limited to, STEM and special education with all candidates receiving training in literacy skills. The authority shall retain recoveries in excess of the SWCAP amount to be deposited in the state general fund. The Judicial and Legislative Branches are specifically exempt from the requirements set forth herein. If the issue of reasonable cost differences should remain unresolved, a facility shall have the right to file a complaint in a Circuit Court. (TREAS: Unclaimed Property)  The State Treasurer may not expend funds to retain a third party, private sector auditor, or auditing firms to fulfill his duties pursuant to the South Carolina Uniform Unclaimed Property Act on a contingency basis or any basis other than an hourly basis, with the exception that the State Treasurer may join other state(s) in multi-state contingent fee auditors' examinations, not to include companies whose parent company is headquartered or incorporated in South Carolina, when there is a reason to believe that those companies being audited are holding funds belonging to South Carolina citizens. 103.5. The notice shall also contain the student's name, date of birth, and disabling condition if available. We always make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely. (DSS: Group Home Transition)  For the current fiscal year, the Department of Social Services shall provide financial and administrative support and flexibility to Group Homes in order to best enable any necessary transition of services or the development of new service models for children and young adults. For the purposes of this item, the Internal Revenue Code means Internal Revenue Code as described in Section 12-6-40 of the 1976 Code. (AS-TREAS: Agricultural Use Exemption)  A county shall have its portion of the Aid to Subdivisions, Local Government Fund withheld if the county imposes any additional requirements for an agricultural use exemption for a landowner's timberland beyond what is required by Section 12-43-230(a) and Section 12-43-232 of the 1976 Code. The General Assembly may make direct appropriations to this fund. (DSS: Battered Spouse Funds)  Appropriations included in Subprogram II.J. Funds within the Tax Relief Reserve Fund shall be retained and carried forward to be used for the same purpose.

(CORR: Quota Elimination)  Pursuant to Section 24-3-60 of the 1976 Code, upon notification by the county, the Department of Corrections shall accept newly sentenced inmates from each local jail and detention center. These sources shall include, but not be limited to, law enforcement agencies and the Department of Health and Environmental Control; 82.2. (GP: State Institutions - Revenues & Income)  The University of South Carolina, Clemson University, the Medical University of South Carolina (including the Medical University Hospital), The Citadel, Winthrop University, South Carolina State University, Francis Marion University, University of Charleston, Lander University, Coastal Carolina University, and the Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School shall remit all revenues and income, collected at the respective institutions, to the State Treasurer according to the terms of Proviso 117.1 of this act, but all such revenues or income so collected, except fees received as regular term tuition, matriculation, and registration, shall be carried in a special continuing account by the State Treasurer, to the credit of the respective institutions, and may be requisitioned by said institutions, in the manner prescribed in Section 11-3-185 of the 1976 Code, and expended to fulfill the purpose for which such fees or income were levied, but no part of such income shall be used for permanent improvements without the express written approval of the State Fiscal Accountability Authority and the Joint Legislative Capital Bond Review Committee; and it is further required that no such fee or income shall be charged in excess of the amount that is necessary to supply the service, or fulfill the purpose for which such fee or income was charged.

(GP: Transfer Student Credits)  The Commission on Higher Education shall work in consultation with the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education and the public institutions of higher learning to develop policies by March 1, 2022, to guarantee students who have earned an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree from a public two-year institution of higher learning shall receive a minimum of sixty transfer credit hours at a public four-year college or university and shall be given a junior status at the college or university. 1A.52. All costs must be tangible expenses (not opportunity costs) and must be supported by documentation. 117.72.

Organizations applying for a grant must do so by July thirty-first and the Department of Education must award a minimum of one grant of at least $150,000 in at least four of these specified career clusters to be used exclusively for career and technology education.

35.7. Districts are given the option of designating up to two days of the one hundred eighty day school calendar to administer the assessment to kindergarten students. For purposes of this proviso: In addition, teachers who have applied prior to July 1, 2010 and are certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall enter a recertification cycle for their South Carolina certificate consistent with the recertification cycle for national board certification. (SDE-EIA: IDEA Maintenance of Effort)  Prior to the dispersal of funds appropriated in Section VIII.A.1. These options shall be evaluated based substantially upon criteria such as their relative abilities to: (DHHS: Post Payment Review)  The department is directed to perform post payment reviews as permitted under Medicaid regulations to ensure compliance with the Hyde Amendment provisions as it relates to the performance of medically necessary services under the Medicaid program. (F)      Funds appropriated or transferred for use in the Rural Teacher Recruiting Incentive may be carried forward from prior fiscal years and used for the same purpose. (DOR: Notification of Protest)  In the current fiscal year and from the funds appropriated, if a taxpayer, other than an individual, files a written protest pursuant to Section 12-60-2120 of the 1976 Code, the department shall notify any affected county and school district of the written protest. In addition, no one individual may be allocated as greater than one full-time equivalent (FTE) across all sources of funding. Funds shall be used by the department to assist school districts in procuring appropriate technology to include devices and infrastructure and to build capacity to offer online testing and increased access. (RFAO: SC Health & Human Services Data Warehouse)  There is hereby established within the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, the South Carolina Health and Human Services Data Warehouse. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the

(GP: Personal Property Tax Relief Fund)  If the Personal Property Tax Exemption Sales Tax is imposed in a county and a sales tax rate of two percent of gross proceeds of sales is insufficient to offset the property tax not collected, sufficient amounts must be credited to the Trust Fund for Tax Relief established pursuant to Section 11-11-150 of the 1976 Code to provide the reimbursement to offset such a shortfall in the manner provided in Section 4-10-540(A) of the 1976 Code. However, the $5,000 supplement shall be adjusted on a pro rata basis for the teachers FTE and paid to the teacher in accordance with the districts payroll procedure.            (3)      Description of training; 25.2. (LEG: Supplies Approval)  All supplies for the Senate shall be purchased only upon the authority of the Clerk of the Senate and all supplies for the House of Representatives shall be purchased only upon the authority of the Clerk of the House. A provider may not use an ARP Rural payment to cover eligible health care expenses or lost revenues attributable to coronavirus or COVID-19 if the provider has already reported that Provider Relief Fund payments have covered the eligible expense or lost revenues.            Department of Education; (SDE-EIA: Accountability Program Implementation)  To support implementation of the accountability program, the Education Oversight Committee may carry forward unexpended Education Accountability Act funds authorized specifically for the administration of the Education Oversight Committee. If the department determines that a person who received a grant provided inaccurate information, then the person shall refund the entire amount of the grant. Any employees subject to the provisions of this paragraph shall not be eligible for any other compensation increases provided in this act.      117.141. (GOV: Mansion and Grounds Maintenance and Complex Facilities)  Revenue collected from rental of Mansion Complex facilities and grounds must be retained and expended by the Governor's Office, Mansion and Grounds to support its operations. 34.13. Annually, and no later than October first of each year, the State Crime Victim Compensation Department shall report to the Governor, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and the Chairman of House Ways and Means Committee on the performance of third-party providers and the use of funds authorized pursuant to this provision in the prior fiscal year. This PDF is                        (7)      the CEO of the South Carolina Primary Health Care Association or his designee; and            (3)      Commission on Higher Education--Palmetto Fellows An affected party has sixty calendar days from the date of a written notice sent to the affected party to file an appeal with the Administrative Law Court. (SFAA: Continuation of Authority)  The respective divisions of the State Fiscal Accountability Authority are authorized to provide to and receive from other governmental entities, including other divisions and state and local agencies and departments, goods and services, as will in its opinion promote efficient and economical operations.            (2)      Commission on Higher Education--HOPE Scholarships as (ADJ: Behavioral Health Care Facilitator/Coordinator)  The funds appropriated and or authorized to the Office of the Adjutant General may be utilized to hire a Behavioral Health Care Facilitator/Coordinator who shall act as a liaison to provide mental health care coordination for mental health services to all members of the South Carolina National Guard. (ELECT: Penalty for Late Submission of Reimbursable Expenses)  In the event that a county submits reimbursable election expenses to the Commission for payment more than thirty days after the election is held, the Commission may deduct a penalty of ten percent of the late-submitted amount.

(5)      With the consultation and approval of the Division of Technology Operations, agencies must create an information technology plan for purchases that exceed $50,000 to ensure compliance with the Statewide Strategic Information Technology Plan and the standards defined by the division. 34.34. The Department shall identify schools in the Palmetto Literacy Project that have one-third or more of its third grade students scoring at the lowest achievement level on the statewide summative English language arts assessment. (C)      Any department, agency, board, commission, office, or other instrumentality of the State that distributes family planning funds shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly listing any family planning contractors that fall under item (A)(3), and the amount of federal or state family planning funds they received. The employer contribution rate for the South Carolina Retirement Systems and the Police Officers Retirement Systems during Fiscal Year 2021-22, expressed as a percentage of earnable compensation, shall increase by 1% from Fiscal Year 2020-21 rates as set in Act 135 of 2020. (GP: Descriptive Proviso Titles)  Descriptive proviso titles listed in this act are for purposes of identification only and are not to be considered part of the official text.                  (4)      substitute notice, if the agency demonstrates that the cost of providing notice exceeds two hundred fifty thousand dollars or that the affected class of subject persons to be notified exceeds five hundred thousand or the agency has insufficient contact information. (LEG: Contract for Services)  The Standing Committees of the Senate may, upon approval of the President of the Senate, contract with state agencies and other entities for such projects, programs, and services as may be necessary to the work of the respective committees.            (i)      the transaction amount; This document has been published in the Federal Register. In accordance with Section 1-13-110 of the 1976 Code, as amended, the Human Affairs Commission shall submit a report on the status of state agencies' Affirmative Action Plans and Programs to the General Assembly by February first each year. (ADJ: Educational Seminar Revenue)  All revenue earned from educational seminars shall be retained by the agency to be used for the printing of materials and other expenses related to conducting the seminars. (DNR: Publications Revenue)  For the current fiscal year all revenue generated from the sale of the "South Carolina Wildlife" magazine, its by-products and other publications, shall be retained by the department and used to support the production of same in order for the magazine to be self-sustaining. DELETED The Center will focus on connecting the educational needs and goals of communities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.                                    (j)      Crafts Farrow Electrical Distribution System Renovation      $      1,200,000; Reimbursement in excess of the hourly rate and limit set forth herein is authorized only if the court certifies, in a written order with specific findings of fact, prior to the fees being incurred, that reimbursement in excess of the rates or limit is necessary to provide reimbursement adequate to ensure effective assistance of counsel and reimbursement in excess of the limit is appropriate because the services to be provided are reasonable and necessary. The The commission may remove a law enforcement officer if it finds that the law enforcement officer is unfit for the position.            (A)      Unless otherwise provided in paragraphs B through H of this section, all employees of the State of South Carolina or any agency thereof including employees and members of the governing bodies of each technical college while traveling on the business of the State shall, upon presentation of a paid receipt, be allowed reimbursement for actual expenses incurred for lodging, not to exceed the current maximum lodging rates, excluding taxes, established by the U.S. General Services Administration. (SR: Admissions Tax) For the current fiscal year, up to one hundred fourteen thousand dollars in admissions tax revenue collected annually from all events held at a NASCAR sanctioned motor speedway or racetrack that hosts at least one race each year featuring the preeminent NASCAR cup series must be rebated to the motorsports entertainment complex facility in the current fiscal year to keep a NASCAR race at the motorsports entertainment complex facility. All mentors and tutors that are a part of these after school programs or summer reading camps must have passed a SLED criminal background check.                                          Cargo Infrastructure      $      200,000,000; (DSS: Tuition Reimbursement/Student Loan Repayment)  The Department of Social Services is allowed to spend state, federal, and other sources of revenue to provide tuition reimbursement and/or student loan repayment to aid in retaining caseworkers and critical needs department jobs based on objective guidelines established by the State Director of the Department of Social Services. This requirement shall not affect additional appropriation requests for public assistance payments or aid to entities. The method of payment and amount of set (flat) fee will be determined by the Commission on Indigent Defense. In order for a school district to take advantage of the flexibility provisions, at least seventy-five percent of the school district's per pupil expenditures must be utilized within the In$ite categories of instruction, instructional support, and only transportation, food service, and safety within non-instruction pupil services. The standard business mileage rate used in this calculation shall be the current rate established by the Internal Revenue Service. Failure to comply with this provision shall cause the State Department of Crime Victim Compensation to initiate a programmatic review and a financial audit of the entity's or nonprofit organization's expenditures of victim assistance funds. 45.2. To aid in this evaluation, the Education Oversight Committee shall determine the data necessary and both public and private providers are required to submit the necessary data as a condition of continued participation in and funding of the program.

Funds carried forward in excess of the amount needed for the operation of the Cemetery may be used for other expenses of the Department of Veterans' Affairs.            (3)      With regard to information technology governance, standards, and enterprise architecture, agencies shall participate and comply with decisions determined by the information technology governance advisory groups. 96.3. 11.20. General fund appropriations herein made for the support of the public school system of the State must be greater than or equal to the revenues derived from the General Retail Sales Tax, the Soft Drinks Tax, and the state's portion of the Alcoholic Liquors Tax and Cable Television Fees as forecasted in the general fund revenue estimate of the Board of Economic Advisors as accounted for in the Statement of Revenues of this act.

100.14. 109.10.            (4)      Charleston Regional Development Alliance            $      660,000; An estimated 30 million Americans are expected to gain health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and a healthy and sizable workforce will be needed to …            Licensed Child Care Centers (13-49)                                                      $      50 The employee must be employed in a critical needs area, which would be identified at the agency head's discretion, be in a covered FTE, and not have any disciplinary actions. The agency will reduce the physician fee schedule conversation factor by $1.30 to $33.59 as the temporary reimbursement boost provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act expires.      117.175. Aid to Districts shall be dispersed monthly to school districts. The committee shall assess other states' approaches to governing, financing, and implementing their statewide HIE efforts, including enhanced funding made available through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or other relevant agencies, and shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee no later than November 15, 2021. This amended guidance is in response to the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (Act). If HRSA determines that a Reporting Entity’s proposed alternate methodology is not reasonable, the entity will be asked to resubmit its report within 30 days of notification using either Option i or Option ii to calculate lost revenues attributable to coronavirus. The Executive Director of the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office may grant additional time for good cause and must waive release if the county or municipality does not possess GIS data. Boards and commissions, or the Governor if he is the appointing authority, of newly created agencies or technical colleges shall not offer or pay a salary to a prospective agency head until a salary range has been established and the salary approved by the Agency Head Salary Commission. The employee bonus amount shall be approved by the State Human Resources Director based on State Human Resources guidelines, and shall not exceed $10,000 per year. (C)      The Governor is authorized to receive on behalf of the State of South Carolina federal funds designated for the Coronavirus Relief Fund. DELETED, SECTION 109 - R440 - DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. (AGING: State Matching Funds Carry Forward)  Any unexpended balance on June thirtieth of the prior fiscal year of the required state matching funds appropriated in Part IA, Section 40, Aging Assistance, shall be carried forward into the current fiscal year to be used as required state match for federal funds awarded to subdivisions on or before September thirtieth of the current fiscal year.

(C)      The Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office and the Area Health Education Consortium's Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning shall provide the department with any information required by the department in order to implement this proviso in accordance with state law and regulations. (GP: Broadband Spectrum Lease)  The General Assembly must approve any exercise of the Middle Band Segment Channel recapture provisions contained in the Educational Broadband Service Spectrum Lease Agreements if the exercise of the recapture provisions would result in a decrease in payments received by the State. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities; 36.14. (C)      Except as otherwise provided in this section, a state agency, state institution or political subdivision of the state shall pay any costs incurred to conduct background checks and investigations requested by the state agency. All funds appropriated for bus fuel, parts/supplies, maintenance, and bus purchases may be carried forward from the prior fiscal year and expended in the current fiscal year to support bus transportation services. (E)      The Medical University of South Carolina shall provide staff support to the council and set up a public website that shall include the annual reports, meeting notices and minutes, and the resources developed as part of section (C). The surcharge will be added to the cost per call, collected by chosen telephone vendor and paid to the department on a monthly basis. L. 117-2) Imputed Floor Wage Index Policy for All-Urban States. 73.9. SECTION 103 - E500 - REVENUE AND FISCAL AFFAIRS OFFICE. the Federal Register. 50.12. The districts' weighted pupil units are to be included in determination of the funds needed for implementation of the Education Finance Act statewide.                  (50)      N120 - Department of Juvenile Justice            (3)      for aviation education related programs including, but not limited to, educating young people about careers in the aviation industry and/or the promotion of aviation in general.

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