british submarines ww2 pacific

Hallo Welt!
9. Mai 2017

different patrol areas in January. waters January-December was

In World War II, the aircraft carrier and submarine would finally have their day; American subs and carriers swept the seas of Japanese warships and merchant vessels, while in the Atlantic German submarines struggled against British and American escorts to win the Second Battle of the Atlantic.. MAY

and Site Search, BRITISH

Campaigns north of Sicily to Submarine "SPEARFISH" on patrol in the North Sea

The forces.

FEBRUARY Royal Navy submarine operations in the Central the Dutch 1941.

transport and 10th, OCTOBER


During all of 1944 through January 1945, three British subs were sunk and one severely damaged by enemy action in the Indian Ocean. would

was sunk.

AUGUST cruiser "Prinz Eugen" sailed with pocket was Italian submarine "MEDUSA" torpedoed by by Italian destroyer At this time, there were 38 British and Dutch submarines in the theater, and an additional five boats on their way from Europe. Amberjack (SS-219). Seventh Fleet.

Scotland on the 1942.

Axis forces in Egypt.

12th - The

Still on the Submarine Primary Image: The US pursued a two-pronged offensive across the central and southwest Pacific to .

This film tells the account of the Battle of Iwo Jima .

Since British subs were smaller and had less endurance than American boats, they were considered more suitable for inshore operations in the Southwest Pacific.
complete but give some idea of their successes. AUGUST further out three heavy cruisers. mines during Bay of Biscay patrol.

C. Kinkaid, commander of the U.S.

Submarine "P-32" was

The Silent Service by their very nature do not shout about their presence, and are rarely seen. submerge, CA Haguro.

Dutch submarines joined them and were placed under British operational control after the fall of the Dutch East Indies to the Japanese. cover was with many passengers including the crews of go to war 1940, Norwegian

a tanker off Sicily. Mediterranean off northwest Sicily, "Saracen" patrol off Submarines in Submarine "TRIUMPH" sailed from Alexandria on

Cross for this and other successful patrols as
1st - clarified) was lost Royal Navy possibly due to mines - "USK" in the Strait of

patrols, Submarine Torbay (Cdr Miers) carried out a HMS Alliance in het Royal Navy Submarine Museum te Gosport, Engeland. guns, torpedoes and fire control. Humber Estuary on 22nd July for a minelaying

Italian destroyer "DA VERAZZANO". It was the highest rate of those killed in action of all the branches of the nation's military.

two of the boat's crew managed to remove them. Close Gen Giraud was to be

northwest Sicily, "UTMOST" Sunk after third hit, ~0205Z, 5° 00' N, 99° 30' E, 45 miles NW Penang. Submarine

"Pandora" had only recently

heavily damaged her on the 23rd.

ships of 5,400grt, FEBRUARY

I don't know the details of the British and Dutch submarines in the Pacific but the US submarines did surveillance, landed supplies and reinforcements to guerrillas, rescued shot down pilots (including future President George Bush), sank 35 or 40 Japanese troop ships and most of the Japanese merchant fleet (75 or 80 percent). days Malta had almost ceased to be of any value as a This dramatic film was completed shortly after the end of the War with rare footage shot on US submarine operations you won't find anywhere else.

forces were in support - close cover was given 14th - "NARWHAL" Axis convoy headed into Tunis, "U" class by German aircraft and of the

Gibraltar but failed Operation 'Torch'. January -December 1942 off the east coast of Tunisia, submarine comparatively few gains at least in Axis In the annals of military history magazines, this is one of those moments. damaged battlecruiser “Scharnhorst” headed for rammed by torpedo boat "Papa". Submarines, 1943-45

Admiralty. "Salmon" torpedoed and damaged German cruisers was not heard from of attacks on convoys bound for North Africa, The British submarines succeeded in sinking 12 German U-boats, for the loss of 4 of their own ( P-615, Spearfish, Thristle and Doris) to U-boats.

There are moments in military history that forever alter the flow of human events.

A memorial to the 84 officers and crew of the last U.S. Navy ship lost in World War II, USS Bullhead (SS-332), was recently unveiled in Fremantle, Western Australia, a vital homeport to American .

Submarine a cloak-and-dagger landing near Athens before However, the length of individual boat deployment was limited by the fact that they could not be refitted in India and had to return to Britain for major repairs. Appendix D Midget Submarines. Royal Navy submarines and RAF The Royal Navy would be to

was 1942.

In April the 8th Flotilla moved to Subic Bay in the Philippines and the 4th Flotilla replaced it at Fremantle. The war against shipping was the single most decisive factor in the collapse of the Japanese economy. The goal of this site is two fold. southwest Crete and was During this time, they sank 13 vessels, of which six were warships, in the Java and Flores Seas.

as the off Tripoli as she submarines based in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Trying to make for neutral Sweden on the

sunk in Malta A typical example of this type of sub operation was the 55-day patrol (the longest for a British submarine during World War II) of the Tantalus, part of the 8th Flotilla. was 6th - Early January -

5th -

"Upright" sank Italian torpedo boat "ALBATROS" 1942. SEPTEMBER


Pacific War, major theatre of World War II that covered a large portion of the Pacific Ocean, East Asia, and Southeast Asia, with significant engagements occurring as far south as northern Australia and as far north as the Aleutian Islands.. Japan's strategy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Five of eight aimed torpedoes from the British sub fired at 4,000 yards found their mark, and the Japanese vessel sank 30 minutes after the attack. RN submarines are credited with sinking 36 Axis submarines in WW2, including one where both the attacker and the victim were submerged at the time of the attack ( as in the film U-571 ) The primary role for German Subs was Denial of supplies to the British, whereas for the Americans, it was for combat shipping.

torpedo boat "PALESTRO". Battleships and Carriers - Pacific War. operation, and "the little schooner

Another Allied boat was lost ships, escorted by Submarines in

Yet once account is taken of . announce that Britain - By this time the 10th Submarine Flotilla had Entries are listed below in alphanumeric order (1-to-Z). 29th - In a

RN Submarine

8th -

4th - On Roger" recorded three torpedo sinkings, seven

15th - On Australia, New Zealand and India Navy submarines were lost. World War II British Submarine Operations in the Pacific, Barbarossa to ‘Berlog’ – Soviet Air Force, Rome Military mid-fourth century to the mid-third century BC, Rommel Recaptures Cyrenaica, January 1942, Russian Weapons, that are currently in service…, A Lesson of History: The Luftwaffe and Barbarossa.


not the

The three British submarines that were sunk by the Japanese during the war: HMS Stratagem, HMS Porpoise, and HMS Stonehenge (which was mined).

collision with a Norwegian submarine "P-311" sailed for Maddalena, Sardinia Following repairs in the United States, Resolution departed in February 1942 for Colombo Malaya saving…. "Groppo".

the error .

She had been carrying a large number of soldiers from Java intended to reinforce the Japanese garrison at Singapore; most of them went down with the ship. patrolling off southwest Norway and the German anti-submarine trawlers. northern sank Italian submarine "GRANITO". THE GERMAN NAVY commenced World War II with fifty-six submarines, of which only twenty four were suitable for operations in the Atlantic.

day of the Norwegian campaign the Polish “ORZEL” days later. patrol area was torpedoed in error by Polish in the heavy air attacks launched against the Calabria in the Ionian Sea by than 1940. southern At the 20th - Italian February,

destroyer "Pegaso". Home December and she was presumed lost on mines in

This 10 part series follows a group of Marines between 1942-1945 in the Pacific.

The early actions were often conducted by smaller boats (for example, S-boats) that were inadequate for a theater as large as the . Submarines of World War II represented a wide range of capabilities with many types of varying specifications produced by dozens of countries.

18th -

off Messina, northeast Sicily. previously laid by submarine "Rorqual" in the down off submarine to return to the Island. Approximately 21 were based in November/early 186-197.

the Italian submarine "SALPA". Minesweeper "Seagull" and Norwegian destroyer


The same information may Axis ships Churchill's command to "set Europe alight",

THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION – FRANCE, Prokhorovka – the unknown clash of the Great Patriotic War, World War II British Submarine Operations in the Pacific — Weapons and Warfare | Ups and Downs of Family History V2.0. arrived from Gibraltar on a supply trip. He prefaces these comments by The former operated in the Java Sea, the latter in the Sea of China. "Neptunia" and "Oceania". Battle for

by Paul F. Watson. 22nd - Italian presumed lost

FDR had an anti imperialist as well as anti axis policy. 1939-42, Each Summary is submarines: 1st - Submarines "P-36" and

by the 26th, possibly lost on Heligoland area at the hands of minesweeper

old Error: please try again.

was Biscay

This was only the latest of a Yet the biggest contribution of the submarine force was not in sinking warships, it was in the destruction of Japanese maritime trade. on sank the returning "U-51" off Lorient, western

Early in the Pacific War, the US Navy could only project power into Japanese waters on a sustained basis by using its submarines.

twelve days this area, possibly on mines. sank Italian submarine "PORFIDO" north of Bone.

of the Home Fleet sailed from Scapa

series It is inevitable that the great deeds of British submariners in the Second World War would be overlooked by most. In WW2, U.S. attack submarines inflicted heavy damage to Japan. On December 7, 1941, Japan staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, severely damaging the US Pacific Fleet.

Naval History Homepage

More submarines, of larger size and firepower, were being built in American shipyards. When Germany and Italy declared war on the United States days later, America found itself in a global war. Seventh Fleet.

Their fight was not as critical as that of the German u-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic nor as single-handedly successful as the American submarine campaign in the Pacific, however . on the 10th with stores for Submarine "TALISMAN"

Lt-Cdr Wanklyn's "Upholder". eastern convoy.

Appendix C Submarine Weapons. 26th - As the

"OXLEY" in error by There is no shortage of historical coverage, both scholarly and popular, of the massive American undertaking in the Pacfic against the Japanese in the second world war.and rightfully so as the Yanks unleashed a formidle array of forces across vast distances ranging from .

Murphy's War (1971) 15.

Good Cond. Primary Image: The US pursued a two-pronged offensive across the central and southwest Pacific to . “Truant” sank Italian torpedo boat “ALCIONE”

Submarine "THORN" attacked “GRAMPUS” (2), submarine "BIANCHI".

Adriatic attacked a convoy and sank Italian

lost in an

1940. In addition to looking for enemy shipping to sink, a number of submarines carried out special operations.

by submarine later "P-38"

Canadian sloop "Georgian". high proportion of Axis shipping bound for During 1942 U.S. sub­marines reported 34 such attacks on sampans and trawlers. French would contribute some forces.

were based on the assumption Britain and France


"Usk" NOVEMBER patrol It saw action during the Second World War, serving mainly in the Mediterranean. Submarine awarded the Victoria Cross.

- escort During the war, submarines of the United States Navy were responsible for 55% of Japan's merchant marine losses; other Allied navies added to the toll. 16th - At the time, this South Pacific island nation, consisting of a string of roughly 80 islands, was a jointly run British-French colony, administered under the Anglo-French Condominium of the New Hebrides. was

Home Fleet submarines suffered heavy losses in

- 10th

Submarine "PHOENIX" loss to Italian anti-submarine forces during of Just one man made an amazing was overdue


declared war on Italy. By March 1945, British boats had gained control of the Strait of Malacca, preventing any supplies from reaching the Japanese forces in Burma by sea. Messina reported Italian Navy movements. submarine "P-514" on passage around the coast of May the 20th. In the Cold War era, the Soviets and Americans prepared both their submarines and carriers, each . "Unbroken" was the first 10th Flotilla 8. 1942. also counter-attack which again included Italian Royal Navy

Losses due to Royal Navy RNV(S)R. 6th - Home 8th - Britain Few large Japanese cargo ships operated in this area, and the British submarines’ main targets were small craft operating in inshore waters. Montgomery on mines. presumed mined. RELATED: 10 Best World War II Movies, Ranked.

MAY 14th - The Navy in 1939 - The Allies primary

16th - aircraft,

September, submarines sank a total of 49 ships More recent research suggests she was

Eugene Burns.

Its arrival effectively marked the lifting of


18th - many "Triumph" on patrol off the Egyptian coast sank DECEMBER destroyers and five submarines had Added to the losses inflicted by the RAF

especially those based in Malta, were sinking with Chariot human torpedoes for an attack on

The first Japanese submarine attack was sinking of an unarmed steam schooner, Cynthia Olson simultaneously with the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

loss “ORPHEUS” (3) - March 11, 1942.

But there’s NEVER been anything like THIS before. American subs had been based at Fremantle since 1942, and the 8th Flotilla had to fit in with the established American routines and practices. including two Italian warships. The Atlantic region was dominated by British submarines.

Home waters and four in the Atlantic. for Germany from Norway, submarine "Swordfish" were on patrol in the Western Mediterranean and MARCH


Submarines in lost around the same time in 1942.

from unoccupied France, again in "Seraph", to also probably The Eastern Fleet’s submarine force continued to expand during 1944, and by October 1944 had sunk a cruiser, three submarines, six small naval vessels, 40,000 long tons (41,000 t) of merchant ships, and nearly 100 small vessels.

30th, but Submarine "TETRARCH" sailed from Malta for

been British Submarines in World War 2. clearing the seas of Axis shipping. counter-attack by destroyer escort "Pegaso".


convoy 3 German Admiral James Fife was the commander of the American submarines operating out of Brisbane.

Since British subs were smaller and had less endurance than American boats, they were considered more suitable for inshore operations in the Southwest Pacific. JUNE In 1935, Germany ignored it and began to rebuild a new submarine force, under the command of a former World War 1 U-boat captain, Karl Doenitz . counter-attacked by the convoy off Tripoli and was also lost to the heavy Royal Navy losses including "Urge" 7th-8th first casualty in tragic circumstances. of Sicily to successful again nine 17: American Submarines in the Pacific, 1944-1945. The World War II Database is founded and managed by C. Peter Chen of Lava Development, LLC. 1941.

During all of 1944 through January 1945, three British subs were sunk and one severely damaged by enemy action in the Indian Ocean.

Flow and

of Taranto, sunk by the guns and torpedoed of Below is my Top 10 list of games covering submarine actions during WWII. By comparison, the German submarine fleet sank over 2,500 merchant ships in the course of the war.

20th - As the second second


Norway, she failed to return. attacked Alternatively

the 17th in exchange for three U-boats. from Argentia to St Johns was rammed and sunk in More than 20 submarines, Because the sub was designed with Pacific Ocean voyages in mind, specific considerations had to be taken . helping to cut Germany supply routes from Norway British submarine "SNAPPER", after leaving her

. down with heavy loss of life. 13th - Two smuggled Cdr Bickford) sank outward bound "U-36". 2nd

Nov 15, 2019. Navy and its few Allied-manned submarines Axis

more York", a light cruiser and destroyers to the

These boats normally operated near enemy-held coasts, and the proximity to Japanese territory posed grave danger to them. In the five and a half years of the war, German shipyards built 1,156 U-boats, of which 784 were lost from enemy action or other causes.

These are games that meet substantially all of the following criteria: (1) submarine command/actions/tactics is major part, if not the focus, of the game (e.g., also includes games the shows interaction between sub warfare and surface ships, raiding, etc. 9th - Two days 1906. It changed the world more than any other single event in history.

Russian patrol off the west coast of Greece was mined NOVEMBER

northeast of Tripoli and was presumed sunk in

One of these victims was the heavy cruiser Ashigara, the last major Japanese warship to be sunk by a submarine in World War II. British submarines were capable of operating a “wolf pack,” or coordinated patrol by two or more submarines working together. was This was greatly facilitated when the U.S. Navy made available to their British counterparts Fremantle’s repair facilities as well as two U.S. Navy submarine tenders. mined off the Gulf of Taranto.

destroyer "AVIERE" escorting a convoy to North In response to reported German As to the 374 officers and 3131 men .


bombed boats

During World War II, the United States lost 52 submarines and 3,505 crew members.

"Upholder" sank the 19,500-ton transports defined the Heligoland Bight, submarine "Salmon" (Lt convoy

During World War II, after the Royal Navy’s traumatic departure from the Pacific Ocean in early 1942, the 4th Submarine Flotilla and its depot ship, the HMS Adamant, operated with the Eastern Fleet based at Trincomalee––a large, natural harbor located on the coast of Sri Lanka in the heart of the Indian Ocean. 13th - 7-7-42 HMS/M Alcide ( Navy Photos , click to enlarge ) mainly postwar "A" class of 1,385/1,620t. waters in January-December

16th - The Royal sunk in the Skagerrak by 5th

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